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Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Little Gathering

I was thinking 'bunny thoughts' while posing for photos. 
I think I failed, but I had fun acting like a goof.

I had a small gathering at my apartment on Easter Sunday, not necessarily to celebrate Easter per say, but to eat, drink and look forward to Spring. I made enough finger foods to feed a small army, but I'd rather have more than less! I love seeing my guests happily munching on the treats that I prepare as well as engaging in relaxing conversation.

Kiss the cook?

What I wore:
peplum top (Target)
shorts: thrift store
spider Web tights
ruffled ankle socks
cross belt: Forever 21
house shoes!
Dia de los Muertos apron made by my friend Leslie

I hope you had a relaxing day whether you spent the day with family, friends or just had a peaceful day alone.

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Friday, March 29, 2013

Go Away Snow!

Snow!!! I'm so over it, but apparently it's not done with visiting Western NY. Le sigh. The local news weather forecaster basically gave us all validation that it's okay to bitch (even though we're all doing it anyways) about the unseasonably low temperatures. In turn, this has put a damper on my mood and thus on my interest in trying to dress myself. I just want to wear a goth sack. 

My outfit is pretty dull, but it's comfy. I'm wearing a thrifted Juliet sleeve sweater and thrifted black mini skirt along with my red creepers, spider web bandana and layered belts. As a side note, I found my lost bat stud earring that Derek got me for my 30th birthday, turns out it was just under something (where I didn't look) on my dresser. Go figure!


My best friend Melanie bought me this t-shirt from The Alley (goth store) in Chicago, IL. It has a hearse on it that reads "Death Taxi Service", she knows me oh-so-well! 

So, I'll be crying about the weather until we head to Florida in less than two weeks. I have to tell you it's weird trying on my summer clothing while the snow is falling. *grumblebats*

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Shoes! OMG! : Misfits Heels

The Misfits Heels by Iron Fist were pointed out to me by one of best friend's John (Hi John!), who is not only awesome, but reads my blog and loves Shoes! OMG!. I know if John still wore heels, he'd totally rock these with a latex mini skirt. No, he's not a cross dresser, just really enthusiastic.

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Show and Tell : Neck Ruffles and Hats

neck ruffle compliments of Misfit Chic

I stumbled upon this photo of me goofing around with my Misfit Chic neck ruffle paired with one of my favorite vintage hats and I got to thinking about how much I adore the look of neck ruffles and hats. When I had more hair, I used to adorn my head with hats, fascinators and hair decor, I think it adds so much variety to outfit possibilities and it's just fun to dress up!

Photographer Luke Copping

The thought then led me to a shoot I styled with my talented friend Luke Copping, in which I paired this gorgeous Hey Sailor! magenta top hat with this light blue Misfit Chic neck ruffle. I really love using color when I style as it gives me the opportunity to explore outside my own personal style. 

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Monday, March 25, 2013

Kitsch Picks : Inspired by the Egyptians

Egyptian Inspiration

I've been seeing some labels like Widow Clothing using Egyptian influences on their garments and it has me excited. I've studied about Ancient Egyptian on my own and find their 'afterlife' rituals and meanings to be extremely intriguing.

Some symbols and their (loose) meaning:
Ankh: symbol of life, often seen in Egyptian tombs
Scarab beetle or the Scarabaeus sacer: transformation, renewal, and resurrection, also seen in funerary cult traditions.
Eye of Horus (also known as Eye of Ra): protection, health

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Boy George Wants His Hat Back

Last night was Radiation and it was lightly snowing and after working all day, I just didn't feel like doing my hair, so my "Boy George" hat was worn to the club. I like to think of it as something Molly Ringwald would wear ala Sixteen Candles.

Sisters of Mercy and Christian Death patches on the back

I choose to wear this Lip Service dress that I hadn't worn since last year -see blog post here- I really like the dress, but it's baggy throughout the middle, so I always feel I have to fuss with it to make it look more flattering. My solution, belt it and put on a jacket. I just didn't have the energy last night while deciding what to wear, but I am happy that I did wear the dress as I love the pattern to much, I regret not purchasing the Dem Bones leggings. 

I am also healing a new ankle tattoo, so no ankle boots or shoes for this girl, but the creeper wedges did the trick and they are even comfortable to dance in! I love getting tattooed, I just hate the healing process. I told Derek I wouldn't care if tattoos hurt even more if I didn't have to go through the healing process. It's a pain in the ass, but always worth it! Some day I'll get my chest filled in and my elbow and the others.....someday. *Wink*

Thank you for reading! I hope everyone has an awesome weekend! Off to work!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Friday, March 22, 2013

Leather and Lace

I splurged a few weeks ago and picked up this long lace dress (maxi dress is the modern term) at my favorite thrift store for $8. Ohhh, that is breaking the bank! (hehe, just joking)

I paired the lace dress with my favorite leather bat belt (gift from Derek) and a o-ring hip belt. I have been lusting after lace, lace and more lace, so this dress appeased my lace lust.....for now. Though the dress has long lace sleeves, they are a bit too short for me and decided to push them up and wear my stretch studded bracelets. 

I really love the neckline of the dress

I am wearing Vamp It Up from Wet n' Wild's Megablast Lip Stick collection as recommended by Madam Noire make up blog. It's a really dark purple, almost black and at a $1.99 price tag, I had to give it a try. The lipstick is pretty drying on the lips, but I haven't worn it longer than a few hours at the most. I'm going to buy some more lip primer and see if that helps with the 'dry feeling'.

Do you have a lip primer that you would recommend?

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Shoes! OMG! : ASOS Motor Flatforms

The ASOS Motor Flatforms remind of a similar style of shoe that I owned in the 90s, which I still think is super cute today! These shoes look oh-so-comfy and I do have to giggle at the name 'flatforms', pretty clever!

Thank you for reading!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Curious Professor Z's Homework Assignment : Spring!

Spring! It's here! Happy Spring Equinox! The Professor's homework assignment this month is spring and when I think of spring I think Tiki....then again I always think Tiki. Teehee! I think about the snow melting (yes, in Buffalo there is often still snow on the ground), the birds chirping and starting to shed the winter apparel and slipping into my most tacky of Tiki outfits. 

I <3 fake palm trees! 

Oh yes, Tiki is the way I get my inner colorful tacky out. I love the colors, the Mu-Mu's, the tropical themes and tribal designs, it all makes my little gothy heart smile with pure joy! I'm more into the 60s/70s barkcloth vintage styles, but I do appreciate the lovely 50s loungewear fashions. I also love vintage Tiki decor and mugs, surf and lounge music. I really enjoy Tiki culture, I'm mad for that Polynesian Pop!

Derek and I get saucy by Mr. Moai
Photos: 2011 

Though most people associate Tiki with the rockabilly scene, it's not exclusive to any one type of person stylistically and/or subculture. I like to think of Tiki as something that anyone can enjoy regardless of the way you look (or dress), grab a drink and let's hula! I haven't met too many people who can't crack a smile while sipping on a tasty tropical libation.

Derek is clearly demonstrating his Aloha spirit!

So yes, Spring has sprung, so pass me a pineapple filled with a Mai Tai and don't hold back on the kitschy drink decor. *Wink*

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Monday, March 18, 2013

Kitsch Picks : Cameos

Oh! I do love cameos!!!!

My cameo tattoo done by Derek Hendrickson (my husband)

If you like cameos, how do you like to wear them?

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Continental Reunion

The Continental has been mentioned in my blog before, but it is always on the tips of Buffalo natives tongues, the haunt that was our well loved club. It was a two story gloomy music venue that featured a band area with a bar (I remember the old oval shaped bar! Ha!) and the infamous upstairs with; 70s disco lighting, mirrors by the dance floor, mens bathroom (which got remodeled, thank goodness), and an upstairs bar and smoking (and unsafe!) back balcony.

Yes, I was a mirror dancer

The club itself was pretty run down and well, flat out disgusting, yet it was home every Friday and often Saturdays for many....many...many years. I made friendships and enemies there, I drank, I danced, I cried and yelled, I met some of my best friends there and it was home. Though The Continental is long gone, the memories still haunt our alternative scene as there hasn't been a place that's brought so many different types of people so easily, and had been doing it for years! I saw a lot of great bands and even performed on the downstairs stage. *Cue memories*

There have been many 'Continental Reunions', which had been sorta like beating the ground where the dead horse lays, but this one attracted more than 700 people! It was so crowded, it was positively INSANE, but worth it to see some old faces and look at everyone smiling, reconnecting and creating The Continental atmosphere that we all craved. It's not the place that makes a scene it's the people in it who create the energy and memories. 

Needless to say it was weird when I bought a magnet with our beloved clubs logo design, so odd to be buying merchandise commemorating our defunct club, but I just had too.

Swamp Thing, a Cont. anthem. 

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Friday, March 15, 2013

Inspired by the Mods

I'm not a Mod, but I love the mod style and if I had a time machine, I would beam myself back to the 60s. Not only do I love mod fashion, but I find the subculture fascinating, love the music of the time (and the revivals) and all the sub-genres that surround the Mod. You can call me a subcultural nerd.

Elements of Mod fashion that I love are:
Scooter dresses
Black & white 
Geometric prints
A-line dresses and skirts
Peter Pan collars
Swing coats
3/4 length sleeves
Knee high boots
Cats eye makeup
Androgyny in women's fashion

I'm seeing this spring season that black and white Mod-inspired fashions are all the rage, oh goodie! Though I don't follow trends, persay, I like to see things that I love creep into the mainstream to become readily available to me.

Did someone say Mod!?

I'll leave you with The Specials *wink*

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Shoes! OMG! : Work Shoes

My work shoes diagram for happy feet!

This is CorpGoth's Mid-Status Report fell on the perfect day, Shoes! OMG! Thursday. This month's Mid-Status Report theme is shoes that you would wear to work and since I work at Cats Like Us and I work from home (sewing, thrifting, etc.), I have two different styles of shoes I usually wear. The main theme with the shoes I choose is comfort. I like to wear creepers while slinging dresses as they are comfortable and I can wear them with a variety of outfits, and I like to wear my little leather sneakers when I'm out thrifting and scouring antique markets and shops. While most shoes I pick out are comfortable, adding a little extra 'bounce' in my step with gel insoles make for happy feet!

What type of shoes do you wear to work?

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Show and Tell : Saturnine

Model is wearing Kambriel 

Auxiliary Magazine February/March 2013 designer spotlight is on Rose Mortem, which reminded me of this awesome shoot I styled in the April/May 2011 issue, featuring some Rose Mortem designs. Check out the current issue here: Rose Mortem designer spotlight.

Sarah Wintle is one of my favorite local models to work with, she's even featured in the current Auxiliary Magazine's Rose Mortem designer spotlight as one of the models! How cool is that!?

I really enjoyed working with both Kabriel and Rose Mortem pieces to produce Saturnine, so romantic with flowing fabrics, yet a subtle edge with Sarah's 'pop' of pink hair color and cut. 

Photographer: Zach Rose
Fashion Stylist: Meagan Kyla
Make up Artist: Stephanie Signorelli
Hair Stylist: Bryan Gunsell
Model : Sarah Wintle

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Monday, March 11, 2013

Kitsch Picks : Tripp NYC Moto Jackets

I think the Tripp NYC brand has gotten a bad wrap, because commonly people accuse 'mall goths' of ruining the clothing's reputation. I love Tripp NYC moto jackets! I have had my black one for about 6 years and I found a red one at my favorite thrift shop. Score! I recommend these jackets as they are stretch twill cotton, wash great and have lots of pockets. The moto style jacket is also a great style to add your own DIY elements like patches, badges and buttons. It may seem too much for a jacket, but the durability and comfort make them worth their price. Coffin Kitsch approved! *Wink*

It was in the 50s on Sunday!!!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Some of This Week's Looks

Coffee mug matches my outfit?! Look at that!

Hello everyone! Busy week for me, work, sewing, post office visits, running errands, phew! I know you all have your own busy weeks, I hope you are able to relax this weekend!

This week at Cats Like Us we did an in-store event for a local animal shelter (SPCA), called 'Cats Like Treats'. The event encouraged people to come in with donations of; dog and cat treats, food, toys, supplies, etc. it was a big success. I'm actually allergic to cats (sad face), but that doesn't stop me from wearing a vintage Halloween kitty on my hoodie! The hoodie is by Sourpuss Clothing and I wish I bought everything with this graphic on it, d'oh! I'm wearing the hoodie over a dress layered with a collared shirt under it, very comfy!

Not all my outfits were exciting this week, but I felt pretty cute in this one. Along with my Cats Like Us t-shirt I added my bone bracelets and bone shoes, all in theme! Spider web bandana for a day when I just didn't want to do my hair, hehe! 

It feels like Spring today, so I'm going to go see what trouble I can get myself into!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Shoes! OMG! : Doc Martens Marie Flats

Doc Martens make flats!? Doc Martens makes cute flats which their Airwair sole!? The Marie Flats caught my eye, because I usually purchase a pair of flats every summer and wear them until the sole falls off or I destroy them in some other way. I don't care to wear flip flops, so flats are my go-to shoe and I'm always looking for something that is comfortable and durable. So, I may just have to invest in these as my feet are saying, "Pllllllease!".

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

One Piece?! One Piece Love

I do a lot of thrifting both for my Coffin Kitsch etsy and for my own wardrobe, so I often come across some interesting pieces. Interesting like this circa 90s wide leg chiffon/lace bodice one piece, which I purchased to sell, but once I put it on to photograph it......I'm keeping it.

Trying to be sexy?  Naw!

I'm a sucker for flowy chiffon pants, then add lace and some of my accessories=something I think Siouxsie Sioux may have worn. So I'm keeping it and all its one piece jumpsuit glory! It's really comfortable, but there is one issue, I need help to pee. I can reach the zipper, but I have to dislocate my arm to reach back to unzip, haha! I will volunteer some lady friends to help aid in my one piece wearing madness!

I'm mad I tell you! MAD!!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla

Monday, March 4, 2013

Kitsch Picks : Persephone Plus

Oh etsy, how I love thee! Shopping via etsy allows me to appreciate all the lovely crafters and designs like Persephone Plus. I'm sure you will find something that you will fall in love with, I know I sure have!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla