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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Show and Tell : Neck Ruffles and Hats

neck ruffle compliments of Misfit Chic

I stumbled upon this photo of me goofing around with my Misfit Chic neck ruffle paired with one of my favorite vintage hats and I got to thinking about how much I adore the look of neck ruffles and hats. When I had more hair, I used to adorn my head with hats, fascinators and hair decor, I think it adds so much variety to outfit possibilities and it's just fun to dress up!

Photographer Luke Copping

The thought then led me to a shoot I styled with my talented friend Luke Copping, in which I paired this gorgeous Hey Sailor! magenta top hat with this light blue Misfit Chic neck ruffle. I really love using color when I style as it gives me the opportunity to explore outside my own personal style. 

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. If you hadn't said that was a picture of you, I'd never have guessed it was a picture of you! Must be the vintage hat that makes you look so different. Or the makeup. Maybe the neck ruffle. Awesome pic, though - you look fantastic! :D

    1. Hehe! It's my evil twin, or is it the good one? ;)

  2. These look awesome! I want the light blue one!

  3. Loving that black fascinator! It's inspired me to pinch back my old polka-dot one that I handed over to my mini-yurtgirl!

  4. I am not much of a hat person but I am working on some DIY fascinators and headpieces. It's something I haven't experimented much with so I'm having fun! I love your makeup in the photo, that is such a neat lip colour!

    1. Thank you! I think I'm just wearing Raven by Manic Panic.

  5. That makeup is stunning on you! Deadly Sweet! LOVE IT!


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