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Friday, March 1, 2013

Sophistique Noir's Monthly Theme : Purple!

When Miss Kitty of Sophistique Noir announced that March's theme was purple, I said "Oh darn", as I had already used my lovely purple dress in Professor Z's homework assignment. I don't own a lot of purple clothing, but I have a cute purple bat hair clip, purple nail polish, and I usually wear a dark shade of purple lipstick when going out. Hrmmmmm......

Eureka! Photos of Derek and I from December 2009 in our old apartment, heading out to (now defunct bar) Diablo. Here's some purple!

Derek and I even had matching hair, haha! The top, vest and stockings are long gone, but I have to say I like this outfit. Perhaps I'll bust out the stripey stockings with those velvety gaucho's again.

How do you feel about purple? Own any purple clothing or accessories?

Thank you for reading! I always appreciate it!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. I wish I had more purple items, it's such a pretty colour! Your outfit looks great :D

    1. Thank you! I think purple accessories are a great way to add a little color, like purple =D

  2. Oooh, purple vest! I love it!! (and those shoes, even though they are not purple.) Something about the purple, the vest and your hair just looks super-cool here. I'm glad you were able to pull something out of the archives for today's theme!

    It's always a treat when bloggers feature their other halves, too. You guys always look so fun and adorable!

    1. Thank you! Mr. Derek and I do have a lot of fun together :)

  3. What a spectacular outfit, as usual ;)
    Very classy and sassy!

    I *obsess* over purple, and it consumes nearly all aspects of the apple (or should I say grape?) of my eye! =D

  4. Purple is my favorite color and I would say at least 1/3 of my wardrobe is different shades of purple! I should totally have joined this assignment...

  5. I love your purple-black stripy stockings! No,it's more than love: want your stockings.
    And the matching hair is so cute, takes "couples in matching outfit" thing to a new level! :D

  6. I love your outfit. It looks so great on you.

  7. I think I had never realized how awesome those pant can look with the proper style of sock and shoes. I smply love the contrast of the hair and the purple of the outfit.

    1. Thank you! I love gaucho's, then again I love 'old lady chic' as I call it ;)

  8. I also realized that I don't actually have any purple clotes. It is much about the accessories, like nailpolish. I think Derek look so handsome in his haircut and velvet jacket.
    Your outfit is gorgeous so well composed with the vest and exactly the same colour on the tights!

    1. Thank you! Derek is quite the dapper man, I have to say he puts me to shames with his style =D

  9. I love how yours and Derek's hair is coordinated! And your gauchos!! I love gauchos! I have three pairs - black, grey and purple plaid. But then I am an old lady. Not terribly chic, though. :D

    1. I think gauchos are chic=you are chic my dear friend! ;) We can get together and dance in our gauchos, the gaucho shuffle!

  10. I LOVE purple! Years ago when I shared a house with a friend, we used to have fights over who 'owned' purple. In the end we agreed that he could have the more 'bluer' purple, and I'd have 'redder' purple.

    Having said that, I dont wear it as much as I used to. I have a gorgeous purple corset I bought years ago, that I've only ever worn once. Such a waste!

    1. Hehehhe, I love it! Who owns purple! =D
      I have things that I "had to have" and have only worn once. Bah! Someday you'll wear your glorious purple corset again!!!

  11. aww you guys are sooo cute!! love the vest btw..

  12. That's a lovely outfit. I love purple too, but I barely have any of it in my wardrobe.


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