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Saturday, March 23, 2013

Boy George Wants His Hat Back

Last night was Radiation and it was lightly snowing and after working all day, I just didn't feel like doing my hair, so my "Boy George" hat was worn to the club. I like to think of it as something Molly Ringwald would wear ala Sixteen Candles.

Sisters of Mercy and Christian Death patches on the back

I choose to wear this Lip Service dress that I hadn't worn since last year -see blog post here- I really like the dress, but it's baggy throughout the middle, so I always feel I have to fuss with it to make it look more flattering. My solution, belt it and put on a jacket. I just didn't have the energy last night while deciding what to wear, but I am happy that I did wear the dress as I love the pattern to much, I regret not purchasing the Dem Bones leggings. 

I am also healing a new ankle tattoo, so no ankle boots or shoes for this girl, but the creeper wedges did the trick and they are even comfortable to dance in! I love getting tattooed, I just hate the healing process. I told Derek I wouldn't care if tattoos hurt even more if I didn't have to go through the healing process. It's a pain in the ass, but always worth it! Some day I'll get my chest filled in and my elbow and the others.....someday. *Wink*

Thank you for reading! I hope everyone has an awesome weekend! Off to work!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Very cute. I found a Boy George tape at a Goodwill when my children were small. When they would argue in the car while I was driving, I would play it very loud. They would cry and promise to be good if I would turn it off. I don't know why. His voice is so beautiful.

  2. Awesome outfit! Christian Death back patch is just awesome :) i really looks like 80s trad goths

  3. Great outfit! I love seeing what you do with your hair when it's not 'hawked; I always thought if you had one, you HAD to wear it like that ALL the time! Learn something new every day... ;-)

    1. hehehehe! I usually wear it off to the side. I am liking this idea of wearing a hat to the club with my mohawk, I need more hat options!! ;)

  4. oh what a perfect outfit! btw did you show us a pic of that new ink yet?


    1. Thank you! No picture yet, but I'm sure it will pop up in a blog ;)

  5. gr8 outfit! and I can't wait to see Your new tattoo! <3

    1. Thank you :) I'm sure it will pop up in a blog soon!


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