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Monday, March 18, 2013

Kitsch Picks : Cameos

Oh! I do love cameos!!!!

My cameo tattoo done by Derek Hendrickson (my husband)

If you like cameos, how do you like to wear them?

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. I have a personal philosophy that goes something like "if it has a cameo, it's good!".
    That tattoo is stunningly awesome! He's a spectacular artist, your husband =D
    Did he do most of your tattoos?

    Speaking of restyle, I'm still deeply yearning over that ribcage cameo purse heh... one day, one day...

    1. Hahaha, I like your personal philosophy!
      Thank you, he is very talented indeed, cute too! ;) He has done about 95% of my work.

  2. oh, if I had husband who's a tattoo artist, that would be dangerous (I love inks, also have my whole left arm tattooed and want to make more asap). Your tattoos look amazing, I love the colors!
    Cameos - I love to wear them classical (in the middle of the collar of the blouse) or to pin them as a brooch anywhere :) even on my bag, that looks pretty cool, but I'm always afraid of losing them :(

    1. I'm always flattered that he loves to tattoo me and takes time from his busy schedule to adorn his wife. I never take it for granted.
      I'm afraid of losing some of my vintage cameos myself, I will only wear certain ones for more formal occasions and avoid wearing them to clubs and shows :)

  3. Great tattoo - I especially love the bat above the cameo! I'd love to see more great photos of your ink!

    1. Thank you, the bat tattoo (I have a matching one on the other arm) where the first arm tattoos I ever got. :)

  4. Love the tattoo, the colours are really well done! Great post, I really like all of your picks!


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