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Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Continental Reunion

The Continental has been mentioned in my blog before, but it is always on the tips of Buffalo natives tongues, the haunt that was our well loved club. It was a two story gloomy music venue that featured a band area with a bar (I remember the old oval shaped bar! Ha!) and the infamous upstairs with; 70s disco lighting, mirrors by the dance floor, mens bathroom (which got remodeled, thank goodness), and an upstairs bar and smoking (and unsafe!) back balcony.

Yes, I was a mirror dancer

The club itself was pretty run down and well, flat out disgusting, yet it was home every Friday and often Saturdays for many....many...many years. I made friendships and enemies there, I drank, I danced, I cried and yelled, I met some of my best friends there and it was home. Though The Continental is long gone, the memories still haunt our alternative scene as there hasn't been a place that's brought so many different types of people so easily, and had been doing it for years! I saw a lot of great bands and even performed on the downstairs stage. *Cue memories*

There have been many 'Continental Reunions', which had been sorta like beating the ground where the dead horse lays, but this one attracted more than 700 people! It was so crowded, it was positively INSANE, but worth it to see some old faces and look at everyone smiling, reconnecting and creating The Continental atmosphere that we all craved. It's not the place that makes a scene it's the people in it who create the energy and memories. 

Needless to say it was weird when I bought a magnet with our beloved clubs logo design, so odd to be buying merchandise commemorating our defunct club, but I just had too.

Swamp Thing, a Cont. anthem. 

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. You look so kick ass and awesome! Love the nose chain on you. Sigh ... the Bat Cave, The Bank, and Boston's ManRay hold the same memories for me. ManRay is especially poignant and dear to my heart, probably because I was older and because the actual building was torn down. :) So many good and insane memories!

    1. Thank you love!
      Derek has told me some great NYC club stories and I heard ManRay was amazing. Sadly our Continental got torn down too, so I understand your pain.

  2. Oh you look absolutely stunning!! Soo cool! Nice history about your old beloved hang out. I never had a special place, we gathered anywere there were any good music and could pack some cars to travel across the country to get there :)

  3. I think a lot of town's have a story like this, nostalgia for a club long lost. Here we're lucky in some ways that one of the most beloved clubs rose from the ashes (literally) after it was destroyed by fire, but unfortunately the new venue will never be quite the same (the fact it's a social club/working men's club painted black doesn't help) and it doesn't hold as many memories (hiding my vodka behind a wheelie bin, walking in and paying the entrance fee, getting both hands stamped as underage, then partying all night, age 15 etc). They don't let underage people into the new venue, no problem for me but I feel sorry for the kids today!

    You look great here, also nothing wrong with a spot of mirror dancing =P

    1. Hahahaha, at our once-a-month goth night, the club's dance floor is covered in mirrors ;)

      I remember the underage days, heheheee. Shhhhhh ;)

  4. fabulous as always!!! in chicago we had a similar 2-story monthly event... not really the case in nyc though. nyc has weekly events in smaller venues. I'm personally more a fan of the HUGE once-in-a-month party. it isnt like i go once a week anyway

    1. Thank you! I've seen a few nights that look interesting in NYC, like The Red Party (?). I think the scene is dying all together...no pun intended.

  5. Oh, the good ol' drink-dance-cry-puke days! :) We also had a nasty place we went to every Friday (and sometimes Saturday) for years. Nowadays when I go out I just feel old.

    1. I feel old too, but it's not my only form of entertainment so once a month is about all I need and/or want ;)

      drink-dance-cry-puke days=lol!!!

  6. Ah, so many club venues are total dumps, but they usually work when all the lights are out. ;) I enjoyed reading your fond memories from such a huge part of your life.

    1. Yes, keep the lights off! Please!
      Thank you, it was fun with a trip down memory lane =D

  7. Great outfit! All the different pieces really come together. It's very sad when a club that has been around forever closes down. However, it seems that you can't kill the scene, somewhere else to gather always pops up....

    1. People say 'goth is dead', it's just moping around in dark corners ;) LOL!


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