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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Shoes! OMG! : Sassie-11 Mary Jane Flat

You may hear me talking and lamenting over the usual warm weather for a while and thus talking about what to wear to stay cool and still feel fashionable. This is the year where I take my own fashion advice and *gasp* shop for summer clothing. My head has been swirling with ideas and I've come to the conclusion that I need to take a tip from my teenage self and go back to flowy cotton skirts, China Doll flats, and embellished tank tops. I do own a few summer dresses, but sometimes it's annoying to have to wear a strapless and/or special style bra with some of my dresses....and I'm too small in the boob department to go bra-less. Bra-less=flatsville, baby. *Wink*.  So, the Sassie-11 Mary Jane Flat by Demonia is a cute idea to pair with a few things I already have in my closet or with what I may possibly purchase in the not-so-distant future.

Here is a dress that I think the Sassie-11's would look darling with......

My pomped hair doesn't translate well in photos
Oh well ;)
I purchased this dress as it's the right mix of 50s housewife meets....well, spiders and a spiderweb. I bought this dress last year and the jury is still out on how it looks on me mostly due to the waist seam hitting me at a weird spot for my figure, and the seam doesn't meet up properly and looks messy. I tried wearing an elastic waist belt to trick the eye and hide the messy seam, but it looks bulky and ackward as well, perhaps I'll try tying a bow around my waist with a fabric belt. Fashion-it's all trial and error!

What I wore:
Dress: Steady, purchased from ebay brand new $20
Lace trim leggings: cheap-o clothing store $5
anne klein leather flats: gifted to me by my friend Julie Ann of Cats Like Us
Hair flower: Claire's, forever a day ago

Do you have something in your closet that you like, but just don't love it on you?

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. I think the dress looks very nice on you :) Is the waist seam a bit higher than your natural waist? It looks like it's in the slimmest part of your body and I think it accentuates your tiny waist just the right way.

    Nothing comes to mind from my own closer that I don't like on me, maybe one Lip Service dress that I had to take in at the side seams a bit and the fit still isn't great, or another one that seems to be designed for HUGE boobs, making my tiny boobies look even smaller ;P But the fabric is so nice, I'm sure I can fix it one day! I can relate to the summer dress issue, I'd love to wear pretty halternecks but with this chest it just isn't an option!

    1. Thank you dear. I am pear shape(small on top and big on the bottom), even though I've been told that's the ancient way of classifying body types, I like to wear belts a little higher than my natural waist and have the skirt or dress sorta float away from my body. I think if the dress was a little more fitted in the waist area I wouldn't mind it so much. I wore it out for a Mexican dinner, so it's a good thing I had some extra room ;) hehehee!

      Lip Service is so weird now. All my old Lip Service from the early 2000's and earlier fit like a dream. Now I always just order a medium and hope for the best. Eeeek! I've worked with them several times as a stylist and their clothing really is terribly all over the place in measurements and fit. I still like some of their clothing, I just ordered the lightning skirt from the Fashion Victim line and it's a nice stretchy skirt which fits nicely! ;)

  2. Glad you posted a pic from last night b/c you looked awesome. These pics don't do your hair justice b/c it was BAD ASS.

    These shoes remind me so much of my sister. For about two years this is the only kind of shoes she wore. Had them in every color of velvet. I can never wear this kind of shoe b/c I have a high arch and need more support. But yet I live in flip flops soooo.... maybe it's all in my head.

    1. Thank you darling! The hair was rockin' the high pomp and pictures just make it look like a lump on my head, lol!

      If you wear flip-flops you can definitely wear flats in general, perhaps an insole may help?

  3. I love your dress and those shoes are great. I only wear flat shoes and boots these days and these are going on my "want, want, want!" list :-)

    1. Hehehhee! I definitely have a "want, want, want" list ;) Demonia has some cut flats and you can get them for a nice price on amazon.com

  4. Love your style :) I nominated you for this award:



    1. Thank you doll! You're the 2nd lovely lady to nominate me :) Very honored :)I need to get my butt in gear and write about it <3

  5. OH MY GODDESS!!! Cuteness overload! You look adorable and awesome. I love the way your figured out how to navigate the early heat. WAHOO! And yes, those shoes would look fabulous with that dress, which BTW is to die for!

    1. Thank you Miss Mary <3 House dress styles like the one I'm wearing are so comfy and cute! :)

  6. LOVE the dress! And what a steal at $20! I see the waist is a little high, but only because I'm hyper-aware of the waistband-on-ribs problem, which I always have. :P I doubt anyone who isn't a stylist or seamstress would notice. It probably feels odd, but really the dress looks great on you. Totally adorable, in fact. :) Maybe you could solve the problem with your other summer dresses by topping them with a little bolero?

    1. I would much prefer if the waist seam wasn't even there, but thank you for the kind words and the dress was a steal (brand new with tags) for $20. I agree with the idea of wearing little shrugs or bolero's, you'd think I would have a million of them as I'm a jacket-a-holic. Hehee. Lovely suggestion and I thank you!!! :)

  7. Oooo, LOVE those shoes!! I love flats, and they are perfect ;)

    Love the dress too ... though I have the opposite problem in the chest department - I can't wear high necklines, unfortunately ;)

    1. I thought they would be awesome little summer shoes :) A girl can never have too many things covered in bones! Hahahaha!

  8. I came within an ace of buying those shoes with my giftmas money. I got stupid work shoes instead. *kicks rocks*


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