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Monday, June 3, 2013

Kitsch Picks : Vintage Galeria

I've loved Janet Zuniga's work since I featured her in a style article featured in Auxiliary Magazine a few years ago. Her designs and choice of fabrics are wonderful!

Check out the items by clicking the descriptions or shop her etsy here, VintageGaleria.

Thank you for reading!
Meagan Kyla


  1. I love the first print! Kitschy hammer horror style monsters have always been my favourite. I like the apron also - I was planning on making my own, but it is tempting. :P

  2. Wow! I love so much of the stuff in her store. Bookmarking & planning for future purchases. I've seen a lot of these fabrics in stores & thot "yeah, I'll make a skirt or s'thing someday" but Someday still hasn't gotten here...

    1. I hear you on the "I'll make it someday", I have a mental list a mile long. Hehehehee.

      Glad you like her items, they are so much fun!

  3. I especially like the dress and apron :3 I didn't know this designer until now, but I'll be sure to check out some more of her stuff ^^


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