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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Shoes! OMG! : A8220L Black and Red Kiss Rocket Heel

Ohhhh these have lips on them! I have a 'thing' for anything with a lip pattern, I think it's because I get a kick out of those red lip couches and lip phones from the 80s. Kitschy is as kitschy does! The A8220L Black and Red Kiss Rocket Heel is just too cute with the bow detail, ankle strap and the polkadot pattern which also ties into the Curious Professor Z's monthly homework assignment theme, polkadots!

Do you like polkadots?

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. What pretty shoes <3 I'm not that nuts about polkadots, but the shape of those pumps is just delicious :)

  2. SO pretty! And the style of the heel and shoe look very comfortable! You ARE the Queen of Kitsch and I love that about you! :) Thanks for participating.

  3. They are a bit darn cute, that's for sure! ;)


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