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Monday, June 24, 2013

Kitsch Picks : Rockin' Bones Clothing

Rockin' Bones Clothing has their own brand of DIY silk screened fashions which I think are pretty damn rad! I love that their designs are very customizable in terms of color, cut and length. I have a hard time resisting their cemetery leggings, a personal favorite design.

Thank you for reading!!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. One of my all time favorite dresses is from Rockin Bones! So comfy and cute and the skull print is extra ghoulish! Actually it was the very first outfit I posted on my blog!!


    1. That is awesome!Love it! I drool over your Pennangalan boot collection <3

    2. The "lift" style boots from Pennangalan are my very favorite for dancing! But, since I've had TWO pairs fall apart immediately upon the first wearing, I've moved on to New Rock boots. I'm hoping Pennangalan figures it out and stops having quality issues because I do really love their boots!

  2. Thank you so much for posting this!! I had seen some of their skirts and leggings on Pinterest, but the pins had no links.. So, I was left to drool over clothes I couldn't find. :(

    But now.. yay!!!


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