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Friday, June 28, 2013

Outfit of the Day : Elastic on Elastic Action

I was just about to head outside to shoot my outfit of the day when the sky opened up and it poured, so I retreated inside to shoot a few pictures by the living room window. 

The skirt I'm wearing is a thrift shop find for about $3, I loved the hem line, material and length, what I don't like is the elastic waist. As you can see the skirt came home with me, and after a few tries at finding a top to wear over the skirt (tops were too long, too short, too lumpy, etc.), I decided to wear a simple tank tucked in with an elastic waist belt to try and camouflage the skirt's own elastic waist band. It's working ok, but the elastic belt shifts around, hrmmmmm.

So, I threw on my long lace cardigan to go along with the flow of the skirt and to distract from the wonky elastic on elastic action. Heh. I had to admit when the Sisters of Mercy came on Pandora I took a minute to twirl around, this outfit gets two big thumbs up in the twirly department.

I'm going to have to work with this skirt as I don't care for elastic waist bands, especially thin elastic bands. They tend to dig into me, create lumps and bumps that really aren't there and can be less-than forgiving. Yes, the elastic is supposed to be there for comfort, but it doesn't do my figure justice in most circumstances. We'll have to see how versatile this skirt can be or if it will have to go back into the thrifting pool.

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Twirly! Twirly is the best!!!

    I know what you mean about elastic waistbands, I find they don't add much comfort, if they are too tight they will dig in like any other waistband and leave red marks. Then there is the elastic twisting, lumpy waistbands that show up under other clothes, old elastic becoming too loose and the skirts slipping down...

    1. I've stepped on the hem of a loose elastic skirt and pulled it down while walking up the stairs. I pretty much mooned everyone...well I still had panties on. LOL!!!

  2. Great outfit! :-)

    Personally, I'd probably fiddle with the waist and turn it into a zippered one with no elastic. Since it's black, the adjustments probably wouldn't be that noticable, especially if you're belting it anyway!

  3. Love it! I could just steal that cardigan! The elastic band thing is one of the main reasons I never could get into longer skirts.

    1. Thank you!
      I like longer skirts if they have buttons/zipper and wide waist band.


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