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Friday, April 26, 2013

The Future Is History

On Tuesday Derek and I went to see a really neat exhibit at a local vintage warehouse, the exhibit was called  "The Future is History". The exhibit features themes from the space age (1957-1972) such as; movies, toys, furniture and household items, clothing and design. I'm a huge fan of mid century modern and kitsch, so I was excited to explore the exhibit!

These photos are just a small sample of the exhibit, Derek and I drooled over many of the vintage pieces, especially the vintage bar. 

It's really interesting to see that Sputnik started the "space race" and how much it effected popular culture. I think back then everyone looked to the future with optimism, while the (current) modern world looks back to the past to more "simpler" time for comfort. Of course, this can be left to your own interpretation.......

My outfit I wore to the exhibit. I really dig the ruched details on the back of my shirt (Target), which I paired with a black & white mini skirt (ebay), Docs and a hat to cover up my dirty mop. Hehe! 


I hope you enjoyed this little blast from the past -totally intended pun- and thank you for reading!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. I just found you through Arianne's post... I love our hair!!!

  2. Along the same lines it reminds me of those cartoons from the 50s that saw the year 2000 as some ultra advanced age, complete with flying cars (always with the flying cars). I think we're far more realistic now! :)

  3. This also reminds me of cartoons I'd seen from the 1950s as a child (the cartoons, not my childhood *whew*) which imagined us in flying cars by the year 2000. I think we're far more realistic now! :)

  4. That looks like a lot of the pieces from the Ford musuem in Michigan. Such a cool thing to visit!

    1. Ohhh that sounds like a great place to visit =D


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