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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It's Finished.....For Now

The first photo is my "it's going to hurt" face. I'm joking around, but it does hurt!

Derek was kind enough to fill in my chest tattoos yesterday, yes I thank my husband for hurting me. Haha! I think I've had the outline on my chest for about a year and it's time to complete this project as well as several others that need to be completed. Oh golly gee.

I wore a tube top during the 6 hour tattoo session (with a break for dinner!) and while I was laying there I got to thinking, "What the heck am I going to wear the rest of the week!?". That's something people never tell you when you're thinking about getting a tattoo, how to dress around your specific healing tattoo! Though I've sat many, many, MANY hours in the chair, I still hate the healing process with a burning passion....literally. There is something totally gross about having to lube your tattoo up and then potentially have bits of your clothing stick to it. ACK! 

A few dressing suggestions that I've found to help around the healing process:
-Wear loose fitting clothing for any tattoos on your (body) trunk/biceps. Try and keep clothing off your tattoo as much as possible.
-Billowing skirts for leg/thigh tattoos
-Keep clothing edges from rubbing on any part of your tattoo, cuff pants and shirts.
-Always wear clean garments. i.e : Once you wear a t-shirt or pj's to bed change into something clean the next night
-Wear garments that make the tattoo easily accessible. If you're at work on a bathroom break and need to reapply ointment, you want to be able to do it quickly and cleanly.
-Change your sheets, this isn't fashion related, but you can get infections from dirty blankets, sheets and towels too!

Some weird things I do:
Wash my hair/shave my legs before getting tattooed. Ok, I'm not a dirty hairy beast, but it makes my life a lot easier to not have to worry about washing my hair and/or shaving for a few days, this way I don't have to do weird acrobatics in the shower to avoid soaking the tattoo. Then again, what would weird acrobatics entail?....hrmmmm.....

Oh my, I didn't mean for this blog to turn into, "Tattoo healing time at Coffin Kitsch", but I think my brain has been tattooed after yesterday's session, so there ya go!

Thank you for reading! 
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Very good tips about taking care of new tattoo's. the coffins are so nice! It must be great to have a tattoing husband :)

    1. I've always thankful that he takes time from his busy schedule to tattoo his wife. He's a very talented man and never ceases to amaze me :)

  2. Those are AWESOME tattoos! He truly does gorgeous work. But I do feel your pain... I've got two small ones, one on my shoulder and one on my calf. They could both use some touching up, but I'm putting it off because it will HURT, especially the calf one. I don't even want to think about how yours must have felt, in spots with no fat to cushion you!!

    1. Even if their in fatty spots, they still can suck! ;)
      As far as the touch-up's...you can dooo it! =D

  3. Your lucky to have your hubby to do it for you!
    Becky :)

  4. Wow they're so great! Your husband is a wonderful artist.

    The tips are also great! I hope sooner than later I can get my first tattoo.

  5. I haven't had a tattoo done for many years but my entire back is tattooed.......as I recall, I had a kind of "oh sh*t" moment after the top part of it was done. I am a busty lady, and therefore must wear a bra in public with most of my daytime outfits. Bra straps are not great for healing tattoos, as it happens. I had many days of rather awkward attire until things healed up!

    Your husband has done a wonderful job, that purple ink looks fantastic!

    1. I'm hurting, I'm hurting real bad.
      I am realizing now that I should own more strapless things.....LOL!

  6. Six hours - wow, you're a trooper! They look awesome!! :D

  7. I also wash and shave before a tattoo. That means it's a few days until I have to get into the shower.
    I don't really enjoy getting the tattoo. But I don't mind the tingly healing process.
    But YUCK at the scabs! :(

    1. I always tell myself, "It's going to look so awesome", so it makes it worth it. =D

  8. I used to be able to sit for that long! These last tattoos I couldn't sit for more than three hours at a time without getting antsy and a little bit angry. It's a weird reaction, but one my artist knows how to spot well in advance. :) Might I also add that tattoos do better under natural, soft fabrics like cotton. It helps them breath and the softness is more comfortable.

    The coffins are gorgeous! I can't wait to see how the heal and soften up a little. They're going to look awesome! And for the record, you two are just too adorable for words.

    1. I was determined and at the 3 hour mark took a dinner break, which was much needed. Then back to tattooing!

      Natural, yes! Cotton, linen, etc.

  9. Great looking coffins! They looked great before and even better now! Will Derek ever compete on Best Ink? : )

    1. Thank you! There will be more added to them in the future....after I forget about the pain. Hehehe. I don't think Derek would do a reality show, I didn't even know about best Best Ink ;)

  10. So pretty! I have no tattoos currently but I know what I want. I have been saving up cash so I can have a quality tattoo. And these are very good tips! Most only discuss after care for the tattoo itself.

  11. Your new tattoo is AWESOME!
    I'll try and remember your tips if I ever get a tattoo :D

  12. They look fantastic! And such good advice, I was silly and when I went for my tattoo didn't think and it's right where jeans and pants waistbands would be, and it was in the dead of winter so I couldn't carry off breezy dresses. Lesson learned, OUCH!

  13. How could I have missed this post, what a gorgeous tattoo! I love little coffins and purple cobweb is the shiz ;P What a lucky lady you are to have such a talented artist for a husband!

  14. The coffin tattoos look awesome! And I think the tips are quite useful :3


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