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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Show and Tell : Behind the Blog


"I'm totally not a cheap skate"-Hahahaha!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Ummm, it says the video is private, so how can we see it??? Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. Yep, fixed now, thanks!

      And OMG, you were soooo like me with the credit cards in my 20s and 30s!! Unfortunately, I'm not debt-free yet (thanks to other things, not me being still over the top with them, NO credit cards now except gas and Care Credit). And I've personally found that my finds through thrifting and Etsy/LJ/GothAuction sales to be much more fun, more individualistic, and cheaper!

    2. I agree! I love when I find a hidden gem while thrifting. I know it's not for everyone all the time, but it's a good thing to at least give a try!

  2. You are so adorable - you'll have to do more videos!!

    Yup, been there done that, as they say. And the bank didn't cut up my credit card just once during my twenties, either - I had to learn the hard way twice! Slow learner, obviously. :P

    And I think thrifting, customizing, and making your own clothing is way cooler than buying the same damn thing everybody else is wearing, anyways!

    1. Hahaha! I feel like a total dork talking to the camera, perhaps a video now and then will occur.

      Credit cards are not a bad thing when used for things that you NEED and don't have the $$ at the time. i.e. car repairs, emergencies, etc. I learned what not to do and it's not worth the stress, frustration and worry. Fashion isn't worth it. ;)

  3. I admit I've always been afraid of plastic money. Probably because my family had been devoured by so many debts. x_x
    I always told my friends they didn't need loads of money to look good, all they needed was something money can't buy: style and creativity. I spent nearly six years with-out buying clothing because all I wore was second hand (I did buy a few boots though) :P.

    I find this information you've share with us very important.Probably the reason why I find your blog entertaining as well. :D

    1. Thank you for reading, I do appreciate it!
      Debt can be a very scary thing, I hope your family is getting to a better place with it!

  4. The video is so good. I hope lots of people see this and take lesson from it. I didn't have a credit card until recently. I have debts from it but I only use it when I'm totally lack of money. The bad thing is that I teach my children bad economy. While I use my credit card the same time I say I don't have any money :P

    1. I'm sure you'll find a way to explain to them that you still have to pay it back. ;)
      Thank you for your kind words, I just want to help people :)

  5. I agree with lady Insomniac, you definitely need to make more videos-- you're super charming and cute =)

    My mother was drowning in debt for the longest time after her divorce, but it was because she used the credit card for absolutely everything. She's had to declare the big BR twice, but now she's doing heaps better.

    I'm currently in debt because of moving down to a new country and starting a new life-- it's quite expensive becoming a permanent resident! Well, thanks to the knowledge of my mother and my husband, the debt is not so unmanageable that it frightens me-- I just get the blues because I really want to buy things, but want more so to just be rid of the debt lol.

    1. Totally understandable, sometimes we need to put ourselves in debt for positive things. Things will come clear and you can work and treat yourself to some lovely treats. You find so many creative ways to be fashionable! I also understand about feeling bummed, I've felt that way a lot, but there is light at the end of the tunnel! <3

  6. Great video, you are too cute! I really agree with the points that you make regarding money. I firmly believe in being a responsible adult and sticking to one's budget whatever that may be. I have thankfully always been careful with my money and have had less or more of it at different points in my life for clothing. I think you do an excellent job of making nice outfits and I am sorry that where you are the people in your scene focus so much on clothing labels. Where I live, most people seem to mind their own business about that kind of thing. Some people can afford certain things and others can't and everyone does their best with what they have. Some people wear t-shirts and others are more elaborate with their clothing but it isn't a big deal.

    One of the things that I have done when on a tight budget is saving for a fancy outfit instead of buying many little things along the way. For example, once a year I would buy an entire outfit from a clothing label so that I had one nicer thing to add to my wardrobe. A lot of my wardrobe that I have now has been acquired over the years like this. Another budget strategy I like is to invest in pieces of clothing that can be added to other things. I love waist corsets or large accessories for that reason. Put the waist corset on over 5 different dresses and you've got 5 different outfits for the price of one new piece!

    1. Thank you! :)
      I completely am on board with your outfit building, I think it's fantastic and my friend Jenny does the exact same thing!

      I like to save for items that I really want (i.e shoes/coats/purses/accessories), right now I'm thinking it's time to save my pennies for a new pair of club boots. I love my Pennangalan's, but they have seen better days ;)

      Good thing internet window shopping doesn't cost a thing, LOL!!!

  7. I totally agree with Vulcan_Butterfly regarding accessorising: one can conjure up so many different outfits that way! I'm always doing that.

    Love your video, so nice to hear your accent! :-)


    1. Accessories make my heart a flutter! ;)
      Thank you doll!


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