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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Danielle's Birthday Weekend Fun

My dearest friend Danielle's 31st birthday weekend fun started on Friday at a local ebm night called Uprising, so the gang got together for some drinks in honor of Miss Danielle. I had no clue what to wear after being tired from work, some I threw this outfit together. 

I'm wearing tattered leggings I bought some time ago and though they looked great online, but they are too short for me and ride too low, so they have only been worn twice. I decided to give them a go again and paired them with a ruched tunic top over a thrifted lace top, bondage belt and chain collar. Not the most mind blowing outfit, but my aim was comfortable and to be warm, so I achieved both!

I was particularly pleased with my hair as the front is perfect. I some times struggle with getting the front 'just right' as it's so long and I don't want it directly in front of my face, because then I can't see to drive! The irony is that I used hair spray that I dislike (Big Sexy Hair) as I wanted to use up the rest of what I had in the can. Perhaps it's the secret to my (front) hair success? We'll see.....

There was more weekend fun in which I'm recovering from today, more coffee please! I had a great time and the birthday gal really enjoyed herself, which I love to see!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. even if you say you 'threw this outfit together' you look totally great :-D always love your hairdos!
    and good to hear you had a nice weekend!

  2. I'm in awe of your hair skills - to me, it always looks amazing! I can't even blow dry my bangs properly so they hang the same on both sides. I suck at hair-related stuff. :o)

    1. Hehehe, well thank you! I've practiced fiddling around with my hair a lot over the years ;)

  3. Fantastic hair! Love it - maybe Big Sexy Hair is the spray for you afterall? I'm a fan of Bedhead Hardhead myself. The outfit is cute and flattering! Sometimes going simple with the clothes works out well (happens to me sometimes too!).

    1. Bedhead Hardhead is my absolute favorite! I have all these hair sprays that I want to use before I get another can of Hardhead, I was experimenting or so I'd say.

      I agree, I tend to like my more simple 'on the fly' outfits the best, it surprises me! =) I think accessories can really do wonders for an ensemble!

  4. I think this outfit's amazing! I love every single item you're wearing, especially the accessories - but the shoes are pretty awesome too... not to mention those leggings, they're beautiful, it's too bad you don't get to wear them very often :)

    1. Thank you! I may have found the secret to making the leggings work, wearing shorts over them! Hahahaha!

  5. You look really cool :). I love how you introduced lace in this look :).

  6. Your hair is pretty damn awesome. Love the shoes as well!


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