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Sunday, April 21, 2013

I Finally Have A Place To Put My Dracula

I have a lot of great t-shirts that I would like to wear with more options, so I've been on the hunt for an A-line skirt (aka skater skirt) to pair with them. I've been digging the 'tucked in' look with a wide elastic topped skirt, because for my shape it's a great way to emphasis my waist line and de-emphasize the areas that I like to camouflage. Though I wanted a plain black skater skirt (and still do), I jumped on buying this crossbones skirt as it's the same print as my dress! I can't say no to bone print...and I got it on sale. Yay!

Dracula face of the day. Blah! Blah!
My "fangs" look more like mandibles.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, I just had to turn the heat back on......sigh!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. What a gorgeous skirt! I so hope I'll find this one eBay some day, I've been looking for a skirt with this silhouette for some time, and I totally love the crossbones pattern!

    1. I got the skirt from Hot Topic (just click the link), I think they do ship internationally!

    2. They do, but the fees were out of this world ;P I'll just keep my eyes open on eBay!

  2. Is this the same as the Lip Service bones skirt around a few years ago? I have one, but I think it has an assymetrical hemline?

    1. It's not, but I do know the style you are talking about (I wish I had bought it!);)

  3. aaaaaaaawwww this skirt is so adorable - a few years ago, I printed a black dress with green crossed bones by myself... I think - I have to search for my stencils ^^ inspired! :D

  4. You look adorable. I almost bought that exact skirt the other day. Seeing how cute it is on I wish I had.

  5. So cute! I tried on a skirt similar to the shape of yours but with inverted crosses...It looked meh on me. Onward for more skirt shopping! I love this outfit. :)

    1. Thank you! Bummer about the skirt, but like you said "Onward for more skirt shopping!" I like this idea, hehehe!


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