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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tikis and More

Derek did the drawing on the wall and sculpted the frame.

Derek and I are in the process of rearranging our Tiki room (in our apartment) to make room for the bar that Derek and our friend are building. I am beyond excited, because we will be using the room for what it was intended, to entertain. 

I just had to pose with my little Tiki corner.
I realized I'm wearing obnoxious red socks=they are really warm!

I'm wearing this beautiful pink flamingo necklace that my friend Terri got for me as a gift for my 30th birthday. It's such a beautiful necklace and I need to give it the proper attention it deserves! I love pink flamingos, so much so I wrote a blog about them over on the Cats Like Us blog.

A few of my dear readers inquired about my newest addition to my leg as I mentioned the tattoo in a past blog, so here it is. A Tiki mug with a straw and umbrella, it's just perfect! Did someone say Tropical Itch? Mmmmmm!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Great new tattoo! Thanks for sharing - now where's the post with the entire catalog? : )


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