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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wardrobe Swap : Fashion Show

I got distracted from my seasonal closet swap to try on a few things (make sure they still fit) and rediscover some pieces buried deep in my closet. So, I got gussied up to experiment with some items....for fun!

Skirt from Retroscope Fashions


I had been thinking about this skirt for quite some time. I used to wear it all the time, but alas it has not seen the light of day in a while. I love Victorian-esque clothing, but lately I haven't been in the mood for 'fussy' clothing like large skirts or corsets. I think this look is the right balance for the 'current' me! I may or may not have been twirling around in the skirt. *Wink*

Spider web skirt by Switchblade Stiletto (older style, hard to find)


I have a love/hate relationship with this high-waist pencil skirt. Well, it's spider web print, so you know my eyes bugged out of my head when I first saw it online, yet the fit is just off. It's a little too high waisted, the zipper is terrible (sorry Switchblade Stiletto, your zippers suck) and the material is stiff and weird. Frankly, I'm afraid I'm going to have an Incredible Hulk moment and suddenly be bottomless due to my mistrust of this garment...then again I'm usually wearing lump-sucking-in-under garments to protect me. Oh yes, I love Spanks.


And of course, the best outfit of all! Check out those couture fuzzy leopard slippers. Me-OW! Haha!

Do you ever play dress up in your own closet?

Thanks for reading!!!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Haha, such cool slippers! My other half has cool spider slippers that always freak out the cats. I guess they wouldn't like spiders their size.

    I just wanted to say your pictures are all great, excellent outfit combos and nice poses! :) I think I should dig into my closet more often, just in case I would come across something a great as you did!

  2. Spider slippers! Those sound awesome and fun, poor kitties. Hehehe!
    Thank you for the lovely compliments, I totally encourage you to shop in your wardrobe. I know you could come up with some awesome pairings :)

  3. Nice. I actually did this last week but didn't find near the amount of cool stuff you did.
    I also really like the pants in your last post. I may have to go look for those, I've been very meh about all the pants I've seen in stores lately.

  4. I *love* closet clean-out dress-up day! I have a pile of "work clothes" waiting to go through that process... My standards are a little different for my new job so I'm nit sure i'd ever wear certain things again, but it'll be fun trying them all on!

    Oh, I adore that first skirt. Please, please show it the love it deserves! And those shoes are my favorite!!!

    1. Oh, have fun trying everything on and I hope rediscover some gems.

      Thank you, I love the skirt and the booties.....which are incredibly uncomfortable. Ugh, I am going to make them be comfortable one way or another! Haha!

  5. OMG, those skirts!! *dies* ;)

    I'm terrible .... I only look in my wardrobe when I really need to - you've inspired me, I must play 'dress ups' more often!

  6. GUSH - i love the spiderweb skirt - sorry to hear it doesn't fit right! DAMN!

    The "dress up" day in my closet is usually when I have to pack for vacation. Gotta try everything on before packing it!

    Thanks for sharing your fun dress up day!

    1. I do the same thing when I'm packing for vacation ;)
      Thanks for reading doll!

  7. Very cute outfits! I love those pikes.
    Hope to see more from you soon. :)


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