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Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday is Laundry Day!

image source: Cozy Biscuit

It's another week here at the Coffin Kitsch house and that means Monday is laundry day. I know it sounds a little weird, but I don't mind doing laundry, I just hate folding it and putting it away. Haha! I wanted to take the time to talk about how to care for the those little bargain gems that you find at the cheapy stores and how to prolong the life in them. The biggest complaint I get from people that I offer budget shopping advice to is that the garments fall apart so quickly, my first question is how do you launder them?

I recommend two things to acquire for your laundry, mesh garment bags (or lingerie bags as they are often called) and a folding drying rack. These are the not-so-secret secret to my success!

Items from Kmart.com drying rack $9.99 and lingerie bag $3.00

Am I boring you yet? I do have a point, I swear! These tools above are going to help you prolong the life of your clothing (expensive and non-expensive) while doing wash. I use the drying rack for t-shirts, sweaters, pants, bras, hosiery, etc. The lingerie bags are used for lingerie, delicate lace items, anything frilly or ruffly that may get caught on zippers while in the laundry cycle. The lingerie bags have kept my bras in excellent shape, I barely ever have to replace them from year-to-year!

I hang dry most of my laundry as it's cotton and cotton shrinks in the dryer and that is why it's my enemy! I recommend hang drying most of your budget items as it prevents; fading, shrinking, stretching, etc. The things I do put in the dryer are; socks, cotton underwear, cotton leggings, pj's, Derek's t-shirts, towels and sheets, all these items can get blasted with dryer heat and come out unscathed. Also, if you have doubts about washing anything read the washing instructions! My best plan of attack is cold water and hang dry. 

Check out Miss Bane's tips and tricks on this blog post.

Do you have any tips and tricks for laundry?

Thanks for reading!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. My laundering routine is complicated and tedious and would require me to make a post on my blog to explain, but well worth the effort...
    The tools and methods aren't new, but probably something people wouldn't immediately assume to do. I have clothes from my Jr. High years that are still super black and intact.

    I think I'll have to write it someday-- you two have inspired me!

    1. Who knew laundry could be so inspiring! Hahahaa! But proper clothing care is essential!

  2. I send all my clothing through the delicate cycle.

  3. I don't mind laundry either - but yeah, I agree with you about the folding and putting away bit ;)

    My best tip is using Soap Nuts instead of laundry powder (more info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapindus). I first used them because I was cutting out chemicals, and laundry powders give Anita a rash. I'm addicted now - they are cheap, easier to use, and environmentally friendly! Oh, and they even clean a 5 year old's clothes (and that's saying something!).

    1. I will have to look into the Soap Nuts, thank you!

  4. Thanks for mentioning me! :) I second your recommendation for mesh bags. They are excellent for tights. Without mesh bags, if you put five pairs of tights in the wash, they're guaranteed to come out all twisted and tied together in a giant knot. :P

    Hanging clothes to dry really does prolong their life. Even cheap Old Navy t-shirts can make it through 50 washes without much fading.

    1. You are welcome! I completely agree about hanging up clothing. When I do laundry I have to get creative as to where I place things to dry. I use the shower bar, door ways, etc.
      Unfortunately I can't use Wool-lite for darks as I have sensitive skin. :(


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