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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Coffin Kitsch's New Decor


I gave my blog a little update which included the background and my newest banner by Melanie Beitel design, who happens to be one of my bestest friends in the world. I LOVE the new banner as I'm a sucker for that creepy font.

Since I'm in the decorating sort of mood and Halloween is almost here, I wanted to share a little bit of my home with some photos. It's definitely "Everyday Is Halloween" in our household, but we don't keep our Halloween decor out all year long....we just sorta live it. I'm very much into Victoriana, Memento Mori art and making Mid-Century Modern creepy. I'm always moving things around in our apartment to keep things fresh and since we have such a small place it keeps me from going mad. There are a lot of photos, I hope you enjoy my passion for DIY home decor.

That 50s shadow box was picked up by Derek at a garage sale for $10! 

Bones, skulls, Gorey books and taxidermy. We love books too! 

Framed vintage medical instruments, Madame Talbot prints, and various memento mori items

Closer look of the shelf with the Boney Bunch

Closer look at the wall

50s corner table that we got for free from a kind lady at a garage sale. Cleaned it up and it's perfect!
The Elvi are Derek's creations, he makes satirical Elvis busts under Suffering From Elvis Disease.
The red and black striped Skullvis was made for me <3

This is a small space right by our apartment door. The little box reads "In case of monsters, Break Glass"

Thanks for visiting my living room! I'm looking forward to shopping the stores for Halloween items to add to the kitchen and bathroom. I really like to use spooky hand towels, oven mitts and glasses all year round. If it's got a bat, coffin or spider/spider webs on it, it's like my kryptonite!

Photo of my first Target haul. The spider web item is a mini throw rug for $2.50!!

How do you like to decorate your home?

Thanks for reading!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Your home is beautiful. I really like how you have made the most of the space and managed to display so many interesting items.

    My approach to home decor is faintly similar, with extra emphasis on 19th century items.

    I wish the halloween goodies here were as amazing! It's such a cute rug!

    1. Thanks dear! I try and use the space we have to the best I can. We have a lot of decor, lol!

  2. What a pretty house!

    Bahaha, j'adore that little monster case.
    I could definitely use to add one for when my sibings come visit. ^^

  3. Your home is gorgeous, love it!! A house should always reflect the inhabitants' personalities!

    And your new banner is awesome - I will definitely check out her page in case I need stuff done in the future ;)

    1. Thank you! I think it definitely reflects the two weirdo's that live here ;)

  4. Gah, your Target already has Halloween out? Ours still has back to school! TARGET GET IT TOGETHER I NEED HALLOWEEN THINGS NOW.

    1. They are slowly putting it out. I jumped at the chance to buy some things after stalking the area for a week or two. I have a Target down the street from my house, it's dangerous!

  5. Question on the second picture ... is that a skull on red velvet? And is the skull covered in lace or something? Just curious, cause my spouse just bought a wolf skull and I might need to make something similar to display it! :D

    1. My husband used a rotary tool to make the decorative markings on the skull and then painted it. The skull is mounted on a red velvet covered frame. I think he removed the glass and from the frame and mounted the velvet and skull on a piece of wood. He is quite clever like that!

    2. PS-That is awesome that you have a wolf skull! Where did you find it?

    3. Tell him it looks amazing!!

      We got it from Halford Hide in Edmonton, Alberta. I think it was around $60. He bought the badger skull too, which was also pretty cool. I think they ship to the US, too!

    4. Thank you for the information and my husband thanks you for the compliment :)

  6. Can I move to your place, please? <3 Absolutely fantastic! I love homes where they have lots of stuff.

    And I'm sooo jealous that you can shop those Halloween items. In Finland we don't celebrate Halloween (or some of us do that :P ), so there is not much Halloween items you can buy :`( I have to travel there and empty those stores!

    1. Of course you can come live with us! I think we may need bigger closets though ;)

      I forget that Halloween isn't a big thing in other countries. I actually read a few books on the subject. I'm sure in time the retail Halloween monster will grow in Finland!!! ;)

  7. Your collection of medical curio is one that I envy greatly, and hope to accumulate for my own home! You have quite the beautifully fascinating home.

    Madame Talbot is one of my favs! I wish I could buy all of the prints all at once, but for now I have the siamese twin print!

    1. Thank you! Our collection is from various means; antique shops, online, even estate sales.

      I do love Madame Talbot as well, my wrist tattoos were inspired by the Madame Talbot Undertaker's Cabinet :)

  8. I love your home! I am obsessed with interior design so seeing this post made my heart flutter =D hehe You have so many neat things.
    And I can't believe your target even has a smidgen of Halloween stuff out. I've seriously been stalking my nearest target, waiting for them to stock up!

    1. We went to another one in our town and there was more out. I had to restrain myself *grrrrrrrrr*. It looks like it's going to be an amazing Target Halloween :)

  9. Love your new logo! Also love that you are decorating for Halloween with some restraint - your decor looks neat and tidy and not cluttered.


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