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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Thrifty Fashion : Dresses

Thrifty fashion? It's like music to my ears! I have to admit that thrift shopping is one of my favorite activities. I enjoy the hunt, but I like to shop smart not hard. I go to store with a mental thrifting check list and I also explore my wallet to make sure I keep myself in budget. Trust me, just because it's a good deal doesn't mean it's 'good' if you're not going to use it. Let's not be hoarders, hoooray!

The way I navigate a store goes like this:
4)Tops---I often find most tops are sorta 'worn out' and I don't bother looking

I also love to shop in the furniture section as well as home goods, but this blog is about thrift fashion. *Wink*

I wanted to share some of my recent thrift store scores as well as some outfit ideas. Dress up time!

Score! Cotton dress with pick-ups = $2.50

Casual look is paired with white vinyl bow belt, fly-a-way cotton cardigan and skull cameo

Evening or club look is paired with cotton ruffled jacket, vintage brooch and second hand string of black beads. I would wear some patterned stockings and witch boots for a completed look. This outfit (pictured) cost me about $20.

Grey and black cotton dress=$3.00

Sourpuss Clothing Corpse Hauler hoodie paired with bat necklace and Dungaree Dolly web spider rosie scarf

Dress paired with leopard vest, multi-cross necklace and DIY bone bow.

If you're not a seasoned thrift store pro, it can be very overwhelming, just breathe! You have to put your thrifter goggles on and stay focused on what you are looking for, it's a lot of trival and error. Second hand shopping can have a big pay off for little money!

I hope I gave you some ideas and inspiration to shop the thrift store/charity shop scene, I really find it to be rewarding. What is your best and/or favorite second hand score-or-Why do you avoid second hand shopping?

Thanks for reading! 

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Great finds! And fabulous outfits you put together! I love shopping thrift stores; most of my housewares were bought second hand. :) Unfortunately, I don't have much luck with clothing as I'm not an off-the-rack size.

    1. I love thrifting for housewares too, I also love antique markets and vintage stores!

  2. They're all very pretty <3! I especially like the second and the third one (and isn't the necklace in the last picture from Restyle? I've got it too :))
    Unfortunately in my country there aren't many thrift stores; in my city there is only one but the stuff they sell is quite expensive, as in a regular store.

    1. Thank you! The necklace is from an online store (not Restyle), a gift from my husband :) That's a shame about the thrift store being more expensive than a regular store!

  3. Very nice ^-^ me love!
    Aren't thrift store's just amazing, going thrift shopping tomorrow. =)


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