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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Shoes! OMG! : Kailey Patent Boot


You could say I've had boots on the brain lately, I think it's due to all the Halloween shopping and wishes for Autumn. I know I'll regret those urges when winter hits I'm on ankle deep in Buffalo snow. Any who, there was a buzz going around in one of the Facebook groups I belong to about the Kailey Patent Boot by the Target brand Xhilaration. I saw the black version in the store and I thought they were pretty neat and at a $34.99 price tag, wasn't half bad either.

Since everything I love is in-style now (I joked with Derek that it's like walking into my closet), I wanted to share this Ruffled Animal Print dress by One Star that caught my eye in the store. I think it would darling with the boots. There is a black version which is great too!

Thanks for reading and Happy Shoes! OMG! Thursday.

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. I have those boots! A bit rough until they're broken in, but so awesome. XD

  2. I just bought those red boots! I really love them.

    1. I think I may just have to buy them myself. So shiny and red! Love them :)

  3. i got black and luv luv luv them, hope they last


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