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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Dress

A few weeks ago I picked up this cute little dress from H&M that reminded me of twinkling lights. It's a layered hi-lo chiffon fabric dress that seems more summer than winter, yet I layered it with a long sleeve top, cozy sweater and leggings to make it cold weather approved. I'm even rockin' my trusty old studded creepers that were fixed on my recent trip to Mr. Jimmy the magical cobbler. Oh, how I missed my old friends!

My hair is seriously out of control, over grown and in desperate need of a hair cut. I just want it out of my face. Sigh. I know in these situations I need to take a step back before I shave all my hair off and cry. Hahahahaha!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. I love how the stars in the print twinkle, with some of them having more white than others! I also love that jacket! I have recently been wanting something with a diagonal fastening, and it has buckles too! Dying of jealousy!

  2. The dress is really cute, as is the cardigan! You look great, as usual.

  3. LOVE the dress!! I love anything with space/star print.

  4. Very lovely outfit! The dress is great!

    x Dawn

  5. Great outfit :) Don't panic about your hair, it still looks good!

    1. Thank you! I got a hair cut and all is right in the hair world once again ;)


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