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Friday, February 14, 2014

I Wear My Heart(s) On My....Legs?

Derek and I don't put much emphasis on February the 14th, but I wanted to get into the Valentine's Day spirit for work with these black and white heart tights. I picked the tights up at Forever 21 on my random trip to the mall (yesterday) for some exercise. I also came home with this open front cardigan from H&M which is already becoming a useful layering piece.

(I'm wondering if Robert Smith got my valentine...hehe!)

How ever you spend this day, just remember love can be celebrated everyday with anyone at any time!

Robert Smith kisses to you all!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Lovely outfit! Happy valentine's day!
    I do have yhe same cardigan from h&m and it is very comfy!

    1. Happy Heart Day to you doll! The cardigan is awesome, so glad it came home with me ;)

  2. I love the bird claw necklace and the printed stockings!

  3. Super cute stockings! I feel the same about Valentine's day as you. I wore some goofy clothes, gave out cookies and got some chocolates. My boyfriend and I took out mums out for dinner - super romantic!

    1. Hehehe! Sounds like a wonderful evening to me <3

  4. I *heart* your outfit! (Sorry, couldn't resist...) You look great as always, and I'm liking your hair color. :D

  5. omg peter murphy's autograph?


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