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Thursday, February 20, 2014

I Dream of Shoes : Black Petite Polka Dot Flats

These cuties popped up on Pinterest via Plasticland, so I couldn't resist sharing. Check out the Black Petite Polka Dot Flats, they would look darling with the Such a Doll Dress!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Aww, these are adorable! It always annoys me that you're based in the US, because you pick such nice shoes. :P

  2. Simply adorable! <3

  3. Pretty much my dream shoes, but they don't come in size 11. Story of my life. Thanks for having such a great fashion blog-- been reading for a long time and always enjoy your posts!

    1. Darn it! A lot of shoes stop at 10, but I am seeing some styles size range go up to 13=yay for you!

      Thank you for reading and the lovely compliment =D


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