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Friday, February 28, 2014

February Swing Dance : Dress by Dead Threads

purple bat purse is an oldie by Dungaree Dolly

I wore this cute Leopard Panel Swing Dress by Dead Threads to Sunday's swing dance. I have seen the brand around the web, so when we went to MAGIC in Las Vegas (last August), Julie Ann and I decided to try the brand out for Cats Like Us. 

The dress had corset lacing on the sides that I snipped off, because it created a sort of 'maturity' look to the dress (on my shape), so off those went and an elastic waist belt was added. My only complaint is that the dress dug into my armpits, but I quickly forgot about that after a vodka tonic. 

My closet has had a sudden influx of dresses from work, so I've been enjoying sharing them with all of you.

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. I love swing dancing! And the fit of this dress is very nice.

    1. Thank you! It was a great dress for dancing :)

  2. I love the bat purse! You look great as always :)

    1. Thank you so much, that is a very nice compliment =D I don't always look great, but I'm going to except the nice words ;)

  3. Nice lines for dancing. So cute. What kind of dancing are you doing? Lindy? East Coast? Jive? It looks darling on you and I love to see dancers dress up. It makes the scene so much more interesting. I've written a blog about different eras 30s-50s with focus on authentic vintage, but you give me an idea that I need to talk about new and repro for dance as well! Thanks!

    ~ Tam Francis ~

    1. Thank you :) East Coast.....very poorly. HAHA!!! There are a lot of great new and repro dresses for dancing. I work at Cats Like Us and we keeping dancers in mind when we are ordering for the store.


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