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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Kitsch Picks : Ready For Spring

(click on bold text to link to products)

The title says it all...I'm ready for Spring. Please give me all the dresses!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. I have the second dress in the top row, it is adorable and awesome!

  2. How fun, I'm totally into dresses recently as well! I guess it MUST be Spring... ;-)

  3. Winter seems to be the time when I wear my shorter dresses, layered with tops and tights! I am looking forward to it so much! I love the first Sourpuss dress, but that cut out! Whyyyy! The most likely place for me to get sunburned, and they have a cut out! The horror! I will have to see if it comes as a skirt, not that I can afford it, but I love the print!


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