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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Back to (Ghoul) School?

I have this reoccurring dream that I am informed that I didn't graduate high school and I have to go back. What happens in the dream varies, but I'm always panicking and frustrated in the dream so much that when I wake up I have to seriously think if I did (in fact) graduate. I did. Phew! 

So, it was pretty funny when I got a packet delivered with my name on it from a local Buffalo Charter School. I looked at Derek and said, "My dream is coming true! I have to go back! Ahhhh!". Haha! Perhaps this outfit would be something I would wear if I had to go to school, pleated skirt and all. ---Thank you Julie Ann for the vintage skirt, I love it!---

Aren't dreams a funny thing? Do you have any reoccurring dreams?

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. This pleated skirt is really cool.
    I often dream I have to sit for exams again. Scary!

    1. Eeeek! That is certainly scary!
      (and thank you for the compliment =D)

  2. When I was a child I had 2 reccuring dreams - that I was falling down the stairs or down the elevator shaft. Might be the reason why I now have a phobia of stairs and elevators (while living on 10th floor...-.-) :D
    Your skirt is absolutely awesome and I like yout hair :)

    1. Wow! That sounds terrifying and I don't blame you for having a phobia!!!! I'm not a fan of elevators myself or escalators.

      (and thank you =D)

  3. haha this is also a nightmare of mine! seriously, i don´t know how often i dreamed i have to go to school and i wake up all terrified and sweating... But i love what you would wear for going back to school! i mean how amazing is your bat belt!! and you look adorable with that bow in the hair!
    have a great weekend!

    1. My Mother says she still dreams of not being able to get her locker open and thus being late for class. Perhaps it's something that just never leaves us!

      Thank you! The bat belt is one of my most favorite accessories gifted it to me by my dear husband :)

  4. I love your outfit, I wish school uniforms were that cool! Love the spiderwebs and bat belt!

    I dreamed last night I was at school, it was being run by the principal's evil twin and there were spies and some sort of sponsored fight club with pleather outfits. Also one of my friends had an awesome stone gargoyle they stole from a park. So random!

  5. Love the outfit! You have a real knack for making all-black outfits interesting. :) The bow is super cute!

    I used to have that awful dream about having to return to high school. I also used to dream about my teeth falling out. When I'm really stressed, I have "disaster movie" dreams -- like there's a massive tornado or a viral plague or an alien invasion, and I have to evacuate and/or live in a post-apocalyptic world.

    1. Why thank you! All black doesn't have to be boring in my book!

      Teeth falling out=AHHHH, I used to have those dreams all the time.
      It's anxiety :(

  6. This outfit is stunning, I just love how you've accessorised it.

  7. This outfit is amazing. Your bat belt is to die for! Love the total! <3

    x Dawn


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