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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Layers : A Skirt Over a Dress

I had sort of a "eureka!" movement as I was pulling out skirts from my closet this morning and pondering how to deal with this pesky and problematic skater crossbones skirt....I'm going to layer it over a skater dress. I was happy when my experiment worked! Yippie!

Problems with the crossbones skirt; slightly too big on me, very short, cotton and clingy, not to mention that fact that the skirt is strangely not cut like a circle. So, over a lace skater dress it went which created a layered effect that I quite enjoy. All those years of layering and styling my neo-Victorian club outfits helped me with this brainstorm! 

Need to wash my hair=hat day. Hehe!

Not all problematic pieces can be solved, but when it comes to something that I really like, then I try to work with it. Luckily this skirt made a use for itself as I was going to send it to Madame Guillotine (aka my scissors) to be repurposed into something else. You're lucky skirt, real lucky. *Wink*

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. That IS cute, what a great idea!! :-)

  2. Amazing idea! That skirt looks amazing on top of the lacy dress! <3 Great look, love it.

  3. Thank you for posting this! I love layering and I have a inverted cross skirt just like your bones skirt. Clingy and way too short. I had no idea how to wear it and if I did wear it I feared the risk of the world seeing my bottom. And I also have a hat just like yours! I think it is Children of the Corn chic.

    1. Glad I could give you some inspiration as your skirt sounds too cute not to wear (but I totally understand wanting your bottom covered!). Hahahaha, Children of the Corn chic, I LOVE IT!!!

  4. Hey, Love your blog!
    That is one great idea!I think I'm gonna try it sometime!

  5. Great work! It looks great now! I am so into printed things at the moment, I have a huge wish list!

  6. I love doing this, because I have sooo many lovely little skirts, but I'm far too self conscious to really wear them without layering them, heh.
    There are off chances I actually do... but very rarely.

    Anyway. I completely love the look!

    1. I totally understand, have to make yourself comfortable :) Thank you!

  7. Looking great! I really love the print on the bone skirt :)

    1. Thank you, I do too! I have a dress with the crossbones print that needs some help as well. ;)

  8. I really love this. beautiful great work. I love coming to see what your up to.

  9. Haaha, I have this skirt too, and yes it's SUPER short! Good fashion tip Oh Wardrobe Goddess!

  10. Perfect solution! And it makes a fabulous outfit!
    I often pass up cute skirts because they're too short. I need to keep layering in mind!

    1. Thank you! Layering is a good thing when the portions are on point ;)


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