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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Kitsch Picks : A Few Music Favorites of 2013

Meeting Peter Murphy was my best musical moment this year.

There were a lot of great musical moments that I had this year that included; seeing Billy Idol, The Mission (UK), starting our post punk night named On the Wire, seeing The Fixx, and I had a miss by totally hating seeing Swans live....sigh. I've also listened to a lot of great new music, old music and new-to-me music, so here's a few bands that made my ears happy this 2013.

Tears for Fears. Not a new band to me, but I've quickly realized how much they are climbing into my "favorite bands" category. I'm dancing right now!

Belgrado. I really dig their sound and though I enjoyed their self titled record, I am so ecstatic about their most recent release, Siglo XXI. Favorite tracks include; Swiat Jest Nasz and Palac Kultury.

The Bellicose Minds. They are a band I've been listening to for the last few years and I was excited when they put out a full length record released in March 2013. The Spine is a great album if you're into the dark punk sound!

Negative Image. Discovering this gem of a band on my internet travels. I can't get enough of this song and I love this video and this song. Hehe!

I'm looking forward to listening and discovering new music favorites in 2014. Happy New Year everyone!

Thank you for reading, commenting and being awesome!


  1. I hope the next year will be EVEN BETTER! Happy New Year!

  2. Happy new year! Everyone has been posting tonnes of music recently - I'll need to sit down and listen to it all.

  3. I saw Peter Murphy live a few years back on my birthday and he was amazing. He's also v witty and was on stage for a good couple of hours. He even did a bit of Bauhaus so I was extra happy :)

  4. Nice picks! Belgrado sounds like Xmal Deutschland don´t you think? Lovely blog by the way. How can i be up to date on new posts?

    1. Thank you! There is a subscribe by email in the right hand column (it's above the followers tab) :)


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