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Friday, December 13, 2013

Favorite Outfits of 2013

It's fun to look back and see what I wore in 2013 since the year is almost over and we'll soon turn the calendar to 2014. Phew, this year flew by for me! I wanted to share a few of my personal favorite outfits that I captured for the blog in a little fashion review.

1)I gave that Sourpuss dress to a friend. I loved it, but didn't make me feel cute.
2)I need to wear that dress more often. Poofy, twirly, fun!
3)Reminding myself that I have those creeper wedges...now it's winter. D'oh!

1)Thrifted lace dress needs to get more love along with bat belt.
2)I love that skirt.
3)I wish the crossbone dress fit better, but another favorite that rarely gets worn.

1)Always on the hunt for more babydoll style party dresses!
2)I miss you huge hair.
3)80s does the 50s with large polka dots makes me happy.

What I observed from going through the 2013 outfit photo albums is that; I love belts, a-line skirts/dresses, legwear and wearing scarves. The accessory of the year is the hat, I definitely owe my a lazy hair days to the joy of having a few hats in my collection. 

I don't really have any fashion goals for 2014, but I would like to wear more of my "special" pieces as what's the point of having them if I'm not enjoying them!

What are your favorite personal looks for 2013? Any fashion goals for 2014?

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. your looks are so varied! from rockabilly to old-school.. and your hair is awesome too. can I pick a fav from yours? top row #3 and bottom row #3. I've mostly been wearing shapeless black things...unless I don't want to be a spoooky blob and then I wear crop tops and high-waisted skirts. for 2014? Probably more of the same. Still not tired of it.

    1. Thank you! :) I love retro styles with a spooky edge, 80s does the 50s and old school goth looks.....I'm also a closet Mod. ;) When I can smash them all together, I do!
      I love wearing shapeless black things as well and I think you rock that look wonderfully!

  2. i've been following your blog for some time now and i'm totally in love with your style! i love how you can pull off printed leggings with dresses so effortlessly. love the retro/kitschy printed clothes as well ♥ my favorite is the one on the bottom left!


    1. Thank you very much and thank you for reading <3

  3. Love all these looks! :) I wish I could find a belt like the one you have with the purple dress but it has proven to be quite a difficult task. :P

    1. Hrmmmm, I would try ebay? It's a patent black buckle belt, it's a cheapy one. ;)

  4. Absolutely loving the purple poofy one! And A-line skirts do look rather fabulous on you. I definitely agree on wearing the special outfits more often, it mmakesme sad to think of all my unused but favourite clothes gathering dust in the back of my wardrobe. 2014 will be the year of wearing EVERYTHING.

    1. I like your statement ;) WEARING ALL THE THINGS!


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