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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Impressions of Yuletide

It's beginning to look a lot like a Buffalo winter! Snow, snow and more snow, it's been about five years since we've really had a snowy winter and I'm already over it. I hate snow, I hate driving in snow, but I like where I live so I have to suck it up. 

Oddly enough, getting stuck driving in the snow and having a horrendous journey from a friends house (who lives 5 minutes away) put me in the holiday spirit! Hey, I don't know how these things in my little head work, but I'm just going to go with it. Perhaps the weather has frozen my 'bah humbug' attitude, I kid. Hehe!

Derek likes to decorate the house for the holidays, so I let him work his cheerfulness all over the house while I sit and drink wine on the couch. It's become a tradition, but I pitch in when it comes to adding a little holiday humor to the items around the house.

Our Tiki room has the most decorations as I realized that we have mostly  'Tikimas' themed decorations, which makes me giggle. Even the Deadhead shrunken head rum bottle is not safe from the holiday spirit(s). Get it? Holiday spirits. Alcohol. Eh? Eh? Okay, I'll stop with the dad jokes. *Wink*.

"The Tiki stocking were hung in the Tiki room with care, in hopes that lots of rum will soon be in there"

Thanks to my friend Bea we have an awesome slice of pizza ornament that is nestled right next to the "In League With Santa" ornament, which is a personal favorite of mine.

The Boney Bunch Santa sleigh is filled with an eyeball?! I picked up this awesome hand painted eyeball ornament from our friend Chris of Devil Chicken Design. His stuff is way rad, so check it out!

Well, thanks for reading and I hope you're enjoying this time of the year whether you celebrate or not. Just think, the Krampus didn't eat you, so you must be doing something right!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Your decorations and Tikimas room are great!

  2. I love your Christmas sense of humour, and Derek's! I would possibly kill for some snow right now, I nearly got heat stroke walking ten minutes from the station yesterday, my face was all red! It is ridiculous! I want a white Christmas, preferably with Victorian gowns!

    1. Ohhhh Christmas with Victorian gowns, sounds amazing!

  3. Cool decorations... Loving the ornaments!

  4. Your christmas decorations are lovely and very unusual :) Happy Tikimas :D


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