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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Red Red Hair

I did a hair make over, so out with the black and blonde and the red has returned! I did the process myself and I won't bore you with the details, but the good news is that my hair is pretty healthy and it didn't fall out! Yippie! After another hair color application, deep conditioning and a hair cut, we should be right as rain. Until then, I'm not going to do any heavy teasing or applying a lot of heat....gotta put the crimper away for now. Sigh.

Why the change? I like red, hate the up keep, but I'm a glutton for punishment. Haha! In reality, I just wanted something different for the new year and I get the itch to switch color from time-to-time. Darn, I need to go buy some red shampoo!

I got this infinity scarf for .50 cents at the thrift store . 
I feel like I'm drowning in poofy fabric! Haha!

Do you have any tips on the upkeep of red hair?

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. No tips, alas. I used the red shampoo and conditioner with my last red hair and it didn't seem to last any longer than with my regular shampoo. Washing less frequently helps, not a problem if you have dry hair.
    I am curious to know how you got all your black out, did you bleach or use a color remover? The new color looks great!

    1. I used bleach, then a protein filler, then color, then a condition that stops the processes and helps with conditioning/repair.
      Most to black was taken out, but the ends still have the darkest deposits as is what ends do ;)

      I always washed my hair in cold water and used Bedhead shampoo for brunette/red head and it seemed to help....along with only washing my once a week.

  2. now THIS is what i'm talking about when i say, a statement like "dyed my hair red" needs pictures!

  3. The only bad part of hair color switching is finding new eyebrow pencils. I have about 10, one for every possible faded-color situation.

  4. It looks great! That is a really nice shade of red!

  5. It looks great! Unfortunately I don't have any tips for you that you don't already know. It's good that you do it yourself though, so you can reapply for free and without making an appointment.

    1. This is VERY true. I make a huge mess...that's the only thing I wish I didn't have to deal with....and trying to see the back of my head.

  6. You look great! May I ask something? Are you trying to grow out the side cut?
    I'm doing it now and got a nice irregular haircut that makes the out growing hair looks like a part of the haircut.

    1. I like the sides a little longer when it's cold out, but I will keep that in mind when I finally decide what I want to do with the cut ;)

  7. I like it, and no tips from me hence me not being a redhead since college! I really like it on you!

  8. Love your hair! love the entire look. Nice

  9. "I love your everything" pretty much sums up what I would otherwise blather about in three paragraphs. :3

    1. I'm a woman of little words sometimes, haha! Now in reality......I would talk your ear off. ;)

  10. It looks really good! I love red hair... you can mix non-permanent hair colour (like directions or others) with conditioner... that fresh up the colour...

  11. You look amazing! Red is such a good colour for you.
    About its upkeep, even though I've been a redhead for several years, the only thing that comes to my mind is to be careful when you wash your hair because a lot of pigment is probably going to stain your towels. Also, red washes out very quickly, so clean your hair gently and not too often. And finally… I hope you're planning to keep it for a long time, because red is extremely hard to remove from your hair ;)!

    1. Thank you! Great tips! I also wash my hair in cold water (when I have red hair) and not too often :)

  12. I second MK! I've had all shades of red hair, and my secret is to mix some semi-perm hair color into your conditioner. I've had the best luck with Punky Colors and Ion (Sally Beauty), but terrible luck with Manic Panic :( My current color is pretty POW-IN-YER-FACE bright red, so I mix 50/50 Ion Red with my conditioner. I have to plop on some straight Ion dye about every four weeks, but that ain't bad, IMO!

    P.S. Your hair looks super-cute!

    1. Thank you! I will definitely give your tip a try! I have to agree, I don't care for Manic Panic too much myself.

  13. I dyed my hair red a few years ago and it actually stayed in my hair quite well despite the fact that I wash it every day. I dyed over it pretty quickly, though. I had been dyeing my hair black for probably 10 years at that point and I just couldn't get used to the red!


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