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Saturday, May 18, 2013

We Met Peter Murphy!

In the dressed for Peter Murphy blog I talked about what we wore to the Peter Murphy Mr. Moonlight tour : Celebrating 35 years of Bauhaus, but now I need to talk about getting to meet Peter Murphy.

First I just have to talk about the show. I love Bauhaus, not because they are a quintessential "goth band", because of what their music portrays and their raw energy and sound that influenced so many others. I never got the chance to see Bauhaus together on their reunion tours, but I have seen Peter Murphy perform several times and this last time did not disappoint me at all.

I stood with goosebumps as he appeared on stage to "King Volcano" that went right into "Kingdom's Coming", which very much surprised and delighted myself, Derek and the whole audience! Though the whole set was amazing, the highlights for me were, "God is in the Alcove", "Silent Hedges", "Kick In the Eye", "She's In Parties", "Severance" (Dead Can Dance cover!). Then the first encore was finished with "Hollow Hills" and the second encore was a surprise, "Transmission"! (Joy Division cover) and "Ziggy Stardust" (Bowie cover). Here is the whole setlist. It was all amazing, truly.

Then there was the meet and greet after the show.....

I would like to point out my eyes in this photo, little hearts should be forming and popping
over my head. Le sigh.

We lined up to the short line of guests to get to chat with Peter, get an autograph and photo, Derek and I were so incredibly nervous! I usually don't put people in bands and/or singers on "rock star" status, but I was about to meet an icon of mine! 

As we stepped up Peter greeted us both warmly and shook our hands, he has a lovely voice and smile. As he was shaking my hand he told me I was "lovely", which of course made my millennium, he then complimented Derek on his outfit. I finally got to tell him what I always say about Peter's singing. I said, "I always say no one can 'woo woo' like Peter can". Peter said, "Woo woo? Oh I got it like this....." Then he looked into my eyes and woo woo'ed at me. UNLOCK FAN GIRL DREAM. I know some other things were said, but I floated away on the cloud. By the way, he has beautiful blue/grey eyes.

Name spelled wrong, but he can call me whatever he'd like.

So, I met Peter Murphy. Now if I only met Robert Smith, I wouldn't be as cool, calm and collected, I would probably just die on the floor right there. I know....that would be so goth. (hehe!)

Have you ever met one on your icons?

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. That look he's giving you in the last picture - I find it amazing you didn't just melt into a little puddle on the floor, Megan. Oops Meagan. :D

    1. Hehehehe! It was so hard not to gush all over him.

  2. Im so waiting for him to come too Sweden in jun. It wil bee wonderful. I love bauhaus and thats the onlyt One of My favorit bands i havent seen.

  3. How fantastic!!! I'd have been melting when he did the "woo woo" thing, too... ;-)

    When I was studying ballet in SF (MANY moons ago), I was in class one day when I realized that the dancer next to me was THE Evelyn Cisneros, a prima with the San Francisco Ballet, and we were actually dancing next to each other!! I almost fell on my face... A few months later, my male dance idol, Edward Villela (NYC Ballet) gave a master class I attended, and he actually touched me (to correct my posture, but who cared???)

    Thanks for reminding me of those moments. Life is good. :-)

  4. I'm a big fan of Imogen Heap and got to meet her a few years ago. I gave her a DVD of a terrible recording of a dance I choreographed to one of her songs. I was incredibly nervous and barely talked. I took my Mom to the show so she immediately took on "Mom" role and talked for me, like I was 8. I can't help it, I get star-struck no matter what. I can't explain why either.

  5. OMG, I know exactly how you felt!! We got to meet him at the Miracula event in Los Angeles last October. I was going to blog about it but then people got super-critical over on the Ladies in Black FB group which made me decide to keep that experience private and just for me - It was magical and I'll never let anyone ruin that for me! ;) I'm so glad you got to do the meet & greet! He's so awesome at connecting with his fans. And you sure did look lovely (all three of you, actually)!!

    I sure hope he does his cover of Transmission when we see him in San Diego next month!! I've been dying to hear that song (I just have a junky live recording of it).

    1. I hope he plays it as an encore for you!
      I'm glad that others didn't ruin your happy memories, I do recall seeing a photo of you with Peter and there was the biggest most amazing smile on your face ;)

  6. I've actually deliberately avoided meeting my idols as I would never know what to say. In the case of Mr. Murphy, I would likely devolve into my teenage self and just mumble incoherently. I first heard him when I was 15, but never actually saw what he looked like until 17. I thought "OH MY GAWD-his face matches his voice"! (I also didn't know about the famous opening to The Hunger, which I was watching for my first love, Mr. Bowie *ahem*)

    How very exciting for you both. :)

  7. I as fortunate enough to see his recent solo tour, but I didn't get to see the Mr. Moonlight tour. He seemed very charming on stage, joking around with the audience. How lucky you are to have met him!

  8. I got to meet Wendy, Brian, and Toby Froud. Took a sculpting workshop from Wendy and Toby, and Brian just happened to be around. It was like fantasy camp.

  9. How wonderful! I'm very happy for you to get to go to such a good show, and to meet him! I've met him twice (one at a record store signing, once after a concert) and both times he was gracious, beautiful and sweet. I was wearing a black and silver headdress (as one does for such things) and he touched it and said "You look lovely, darling" to me. My inner 15 year old died a happy death at that moment. I loved how considerate he was to each person in the (very long) line, taking his time, not rushing anyone, and always being so sweet. Impressive.

  10. YAY for you meeting an idol! I love the smiles on all of your faces! You managed to look cute and happy, unlike me when I met my two biggest idols - i look like a maniac! I met Elvira and Sharon Needles, now I just need to meet RuPaul!

  11. Oooh, that Transmission cover must have been pretty awesome! The pictures of you looking at him are too cute, you look like you are really enjoying the moment :)

  12. Ahhh that is so awesome, I am incredibly jealous of you two!!! I actually was on a plane back to the states when he was doing a show in Mexico, and I was so sad that I missed it! Hopefully I'll be able to see him when his tour winds up in my area.

  13. I think it's absolutely wonderful that you had the chance to meet him :3 I haven't met any of my icons/heroes yet. I'm hoping I will get the chance some day though :3


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