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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Casual Weekend Outfits

I also don't brush my hair.... 

Sundays and Mondays are what we consider our weekend due to both Derek's and my work schedules. This past weekend was low-key and relaxed, so it called for some comfy outfits. For Sunday I wore my leopard hi-low dress (Forever 21), my new not-that-warm waterfall cardigan (H&M), cross belt (Forever 21), onyx crystal necklace (etsy) and black leggings.

Monday was filled with running errands in cold weather, so I busted out my long sleeve hi-low sweater dress (H&M), burgundy sweater (by Blue Platypus), crystal necklace (etsy?) and black leggings. A note about the cardigan=it says, "Let's Go Where We've Never Been". I love air stream trailers, so I was pretty tickled when I found this cardigan. I think it would be pretty rad to own an air stream and have a hearse to tow it around. Hey, a gal can dream. *Wink*

What do you wear for low-key weekends?

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Another leopard print for me to steal! Hahaha!

  2. I think one day you will have an airstream and a hearse. Perhaps when you retire.

  3. Well your casual is better than mine hee hee!

  4. Huge fan of the Sunday + Monday "weekend" here, too. I love that you get the serenity of Sunday + the most-things-are-open-regular-hours-ness of a Monday for running errands, grocery shopping, etc.

    That sweater is stellar!

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thank you dear! I just wish more vintage shops were open on those days!!

  5. Air stream trailer being pulled by a hearse -- totally wicked idea! Love it! As for a low-key weekend, leggings and oversized t-shirt with skulls from the hubs closest LOL

  6. I love both these outfits! The leopard print looks amazing on you and so does the maroon sweater! Airsteams seem so much fun! And with it being pulled by a hearse would make it all the more amazing! If you ever get one please take us on a virtual tour with it! ;)

  7. So I stumbled on your blog by accident...I LOVE the way you dress! You look great! I'm definitely going to steal ideas from this and keep up with you.


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