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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Retro Poplin Dress by eShakti

I love shirt dresses. Love. I have a few in my closet, but I'm always lusting after a dress that is cotton, easy to wear and fits like a dream. Enter the Retro Poplin Dress by eShakti, it fulfills my requirements and it even has pockets! Bonus!

This dress is my second purchase from eShakti as the first shirt dress I ordered is in the sewing pile as it's just way too long on me and needs some hemming. I am normally saying something is too short, so this is definitely a change of pace! Hahaha! I enjoy the design of the dress, yet it just doesn't hit me quite right and thus makes it look awkward. Gotta make the garment work for you, not against you! *Cracks whip*

My red creepers matched my atomic print Rosie Scarf perfectly. I like to add touches of color with prints that I enjoy to give my (mostly black) wardrobe some variety and interest, but as always I am wearing color all over me....in tattoo form! 

How do you like to add personal touches to your mostly black wardrobe? Or how do you add black to your colorful world?

Thank you for hanging out with me!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Pockets in a dress is just the best! It looks great on you.
    and I also prefer an all black outfit but the thing I need colourful is my hair otherwise I feel like I look extremely boring.

    1. Hair definitely makes a statement and I personally love when people use color in their hair to express themselves =D

  2. I usually match my eyeshadow to my jewelry since I do always wear all black. Or if I happen to have some color in a band tee I match around the colors in it. That dress is so cute! I found a cute basic black dress but it also needs to be a tad shorter (since I am only 5ft tall!) it looks odd at the length it is now.

    1. That is such a cute why to incorporate color! I dig that!!!
      Hemlines really do make a difference, I hope tailoring it makes you love it! =)


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