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Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Just a little dance since I was happy to not be wearing a sweater. The cheeriness of the Racing Checkers Top by Voodoo Vixen also makes me smile as I'm a big fan of ch-ch-ch-checker print, but didn't find the perfect piece for me until now! 

What's black, white and red haired? 

The black vortex aka my closet has been flipped, I'm ready for warmer weather and I've unloaded a lot of crap that was cluttering up my drawers. I'm feeling light and I'm excited to show off a little skin.

Have a great week!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Can I just say one thing? SKA BOOVY! ONE STEP BEYOND!!!! You look adorable.

  2. Very cute top, I like the black strap across the collarbones.

  3. I love checker, too, but it's one of those prints that can easily look tacky
    Not this, though! You clearly pull it off; I love how it seems to pop in the best of ways with every bit of you-- your eyes, hair color, even the shape of your body!
    You're right, this piece is perfect for you.

    1. I agree, checkers can look very tacky.
      Thank you very much for the lovely compliments, so very sweet and insightful!

  4. Very cute outfit :3 I really like checkers too, but I don't own any checkered items (besides a pair of checkered Vans which I really can't throw out xD)

  5. This outfit is great! You rock those checkers :)

  6. You're looking great!

    x Dawn


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