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Thursday, April 3, 2014

I Dream of Shoes : Ravier Booties

The Ravier Booties by Jeffrey Campbell are a way higher price point than what I like to feature on Shoe Thursday, but look at them...look at them. Whether you think they are ugly or awesome, they are definitely something! Mmmmm mmmmm!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Ouch that price tag!
    But... if I had that much to burn on shoes, I now know which pair I'm buying, heheh!

  2. Well, at least you'd get free shipping!! Seriously, though, they ARE terrific, but that price... who does he think he is, Manolo Blahnik???

  3. Witchy! If my toes fitted into narrow shoes and I could walk in heels then I would wear them! Ha ha! Unfortunately, neither is the case.

  4. drool!! Have too many pointy boots right now so this is beyond my wallet.

  5. Not my kind of shoe, but I can't resist a pointed toe with metal plate! Omnom!

  6. Oh my gosh! Those shoes!!

    x Dawn


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