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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Outfit of the Day : Dressing Around a Healing Thigh Tattoo

I had a marathon tattoo session on Monday (roughly about 5 hours) with Derek as he completed Robert Smith's portrait frame. Yay! I'm sore and swollen, but it's totally worth it. It's crazy that I haven't been tattooed since March! Now it's Siouxsie Sioux's frame next......

My outfit is totally unexciting, but I'm wearing shorts. I'm actually am not a huge fan of shorts, but started to wear them last year as I got my legs more and more tattooed, it's a necessary evil. I do prefer a longer style short, like a bermuda short or a walking short. I've even been thinking about giving bloomers a try as inspired by Miss Michelle's outfit post, just too darn awesome! But for now, healing leg equals Meagan wears short shorts. 

I wore a peplum top with the shorts for my retail therapy trip to the mall. I have to admit it felt good picking out a few things for myself and getting some exercise while I was shopping. I had a strict agenda of no dresses or skirts, I need tops, tops and more tops. I came home with two tops which I'm sure will make their appearance on the blog, so yay for some self control.--------->I still want to buy a million black dresses.

Pardon the text, it needs to be there for my silly 'internet people stealing 
artist tattoos' paranoia

Side note-Yesterday I walked around with the same style of earring in two different colors....it's been that sort of a few weeks, retail therapy was welcomed. Hehehe!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. I love you Robert Smith Tattoo :). Its beutiful

  2. I actually love this outfit!
    I've been looking for the perfect shorts all summer long, with no luck. I think peplum tops were made for shorts haha.

    That frame is amazing! Siouxie and Robert thighs is truly awesome, much teased hair ink ^^!

    1. I agree! Peplum and shorts are a great combo, I definitely comfy!

      Yes, teased hair madness makes me so happy! ;-)

  3. Wow - incredible work on the tattoo! You must be going nuts with the healing. On Sunday I had two little memorial cherry blossoms added to the tattoo on my arm and was complaining for two days (Aquaphor ointment everywhere!). Lol! What do you guys use for aftercare?

    1. Thank you! I hate the healing process so very much, ugh. I always have to mentally prepare myself and wardrobe for healing time. I'm pretty anal about it ;-)
      I use bacitracin ointment for the 3 to 4 days and then switch to unscented lotion. I wash with antibacterial unscented soap twice a day and just try and keep clothing and excessive water off the tattoo.

  4. It was worth it: that frame is beautifully tattooed - and beautiful itself. Also, no outfit's ever going to look boring with all those amazing tattoos :)!

    1. Awww, I never thought of it that way! Thank you :)

  5. I was in love at him (Robert) when I was a little girl :D


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