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Saturday, July 27, 2013

A New Favorite

This dress/tunic is a new favorite to my closet. I spotted it and tried it on last month at H&M, but left without purchasing. Lo and behold, a few weeks later the dress on the clearance rack for $10! It had to be mine! There was a whole rack of these beauties, so I think I was one of the only ones that saw it's true spooky potential. *Wink*

The dress came with an elastic belt that was threaded through slots in the chiffon-like "wings", but one of the snaps ripped off so I went belt-less. I wore a long frankensteined crucifix necklace, slouched socks and little buckle boots-which I'm still trying to find a replacement for!

I wore this to see Swans last night with Derek and I walked out half way through the show. Let's just say I'm a big Swans fan and that's the first time I've ever been so angry about a performance I walked out. They are extremely talented musicians, but I felt like I was seeing a hippie jam band. Oh well, I'll listen to my records instead.

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Aaaah, I love this top! I can't seem to find it in the UK H&M online shop, but congratulations on your find. :)

    Just to let you know - this post doesn't seem to appear in my blogger feed? I'm not sure if it's a wee anomaly or not, but it is odd.

    1. That is very off. Hrmmmm. I know I've experienced that with blogs that I follow on my feed.

  2. That's pretty terrible from Swans. But on a brighter note, this dress was THE DRESS. I absolutely love it. ♥

  3. that's an awesome dress. I have half a mind to head over and see if they have some. I have a huge thing for long black drapey things. ugh... jam bands. I'm guessing they're not a jam band and they just sounded like one that night?

    1. Thank you!
      Noooo, Swans don't sound like a jam band AT ALL, unless my records are lying to me! I would describe them as noisy post-punk.

      Ugh. The show. Ugh.

  4. actually, I have a random question for you... so I'm not making the same mistake... what would you consider the current "trendy" tattoos that people are getting??

    1. Trendy (current) tattoos:
      -script (aka words), especially long text on the ribs
      -traditional tattoos (the style that is)

      That's all I can think of, but this is coming from my own personal observations, I'm sure Derek could add to the list.

  5. Love it! Understated, simple, yet stunning. Plenty of potential for accessories, too. Looks like a trip to my local H&M is in order :)

  6. Oh my goth, so cool! I want a batwing dress! You look great ^_^

  7. ugh I love this dress! I love anything with drapey sheer fabric.

  8. You look amazing!! I love that blonde in your hair too ;)

    Swans ... well, that's what usually happens when old bands reform - it's usually a disappointment :(

    1. I read (after the show) that Michael Gira likes to basically be a dick at his live performances. In this case he wanted to sound like a hippie jam band and basically ignore the audience and play the most boring shit ever.


      Thank you for the compliment =D I'm really digging the blonde!

  9. Very awesome dress :3 I love the outfit you created with it ^^


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