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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Lovely Victorian City Leggings

I got to wear my Victorian City Leggings by Carousel Ink to my friend's birthday dinner. I ordered these leggings a few weeks ago and was waiting for a cooler evening (like most of our summer so far) to pair them with a dress. This dress seems to becoming my "go to" attire for birthday gathering, it's just so fun to wear! I'm definitely getting a lot of use from my $15 clearance rack find from Marshall's. *Wink*

The Victorian City Leggings are awesome, awesome, AWESOME! I was dancing a jig as soon as I put them on, I have a little city on my legs! The cotton leggings are super comfortable, the waist band is perfect and the all over quality is superb. A+++


I will definitely be ordering from Carousel Ink again, they are divine and even their packaging is darling!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Wow! They look awesome. I am not a "leggins-fan", but I must admit that these ones are great. I love how you combine them whith the dress :).

  2. These leggings are so awesome - and this cute dress <3 <3 <3 great combination!

  3. Great outfit! And those leggings are so rad!

    1. Thank you. Bonus points for saying "rad", teehee!

  4. gosh those leggins are absolutely divine!!! and you are right even the packaging is sooo beautiful!
    you look gorgeous!

  5. Those leggings are wonderful and so is the packaging! I love it when things are packaged nicely. It makes it feel even more special to buy something new ^^

    1. It makes you feel like you're giving yourself a wonderful gft ;)


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