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Monday, June 20, 2016

Sunday Funday: Flea Market

Sunday was our first trip of the Summer season to the Clarence Antique World & Flea Market. We like to get up early and go as I don't do well in the sun (I know, sooooo goth) and before it gets really hot. Sunday morning was already a hot one, so I had to prepare for the battle with the round ball of fire in the sky and get mentally prepared to battle the bargain seeking crowd.

Big hat-check!
Sunscreen-double check!
Crossbody bag-check!
Lightweight cotton clothing-check!
Reusable shopping bag-check!
Comfortable shoes-check!

I highly recommend bringing your own bag to a flea market, a lot of times the sellers don't have plastic/paper bags. It's also a little trick I do to control our spending (shhhh, don't tell Derek!). I like to use a crossbody bag for hands-free shopping and it's easier access to the money. You never know when you may need to quickly whip out money to insure you get the item you want! Oh yes, cash is king when it comes to flea markets, so be sure to have smaller bills for payment.

I have to admit, I get a rush rummaging through someone else's junk and getting an amazing bargain. If I didn't have such good self control, our house would be filled to the brim with 2nd hand treasures, but it's not a good deal if it just turns into clutter and hoarding. Luckily for me, I take some of these finds and turn them into income, so my hobby can get just a tiny bit ridiculous. Hehe!

Finds: Treasure Craft of Hawaii figures
Wooden Tiki idol (1973)
Danish Modern Viking ship wall hangings

A note about the Viking wooden/metal ships, Derek has been searching for these and they usually come in a set of three ($70-$100), but at $10 for both pieces, we're not complaining. Haha! I also recommend (if possible) look behind things and move things (carefully), as a lot of vendors will just pile things up and aren't very organized. I found the Viking ships by moving an ironing board and Voila!, found them on a shelf. SCORE!

I pulled this beauty from behind a pile of framed photos. It's a large print on tin and is perfect for my nun collection. I love the soft colors contrasted with the nun's black habit and robes. Finding this print also inspired to unbox my nun collection and revisiting with all my lovely nuns. They still don't have a permanent convent and by convent I mean shelving, but I'm sure with my thrifty wit I will find something amazing. *Big smile*

Do you enjoy flea markets? What sort of things do you look for?

Thank you for reading, until next time.
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. You certainly have a nose for this!
    Your home must be so full of character that it must be wonderful to visit and take in all the little details all lovingly chosen and placed.

    1. Derek and I are 'eye candy' addicts. We love home decor and love hunting for unique things to fill our home. I have to say I am very house proud and love entertaining friend's and family who find themselves having fun discovering and discussing our taste in home decorations. Hehee!

  2. I loove flea markets! It is just the right season now and I go to each and every one around my village! Did some great finds!

    1. I hope the flea market Gods treat you well! ;)

  3. I like the religious painting of the nun, but then again I like the cherubs and angels, I guess it the left over of being raised Catholic.

    1. Same here! I was raised Roman Catholic and used to find the artwork oppressive, but my Lutheran raised husband helped me to find the beauty :)

  4. These are all great tips for flea marketing from the clothing and sunscreen tips to the tips about bring your own bag and bring small bills. I admit I have failed in all these account on multiple occasions! :/

    1. Awww! Well, I have learned my lessons and didn't start off so prepared and/or aware, so I just like to share my tips and tricks! ;)

  5. Terrific finds! I especially love those Viking ships. I hope that the flea market powers that be continue to smile on you guys all summer long.

    xoxo ♥ Jessica

  6. Ahhh I love thrifting so much! I love your finds, perfect for your house!


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