New cardigan I snatched up at work, by Voodoo Vixen
I rang in the New Year with some of my Tiki buds, which was low-key and relaxing. We played Cards Against Humanity, which was my first time playing the game and it is hilariously immature....just the way I like it! We nibbled on assorted finger foods and sipped tropical libations from Tiki mugs and then toasted with champagne during the count down to midnight.
A lot of people had a bad year and couldn't wait to push 2013 out the door, which is totally understandable when you've had a tough time. A year seems like an eternity during a negative time, but it often becomes a blink of an eye when you're feeling positive and happy. Life is often full of challenges, but it's the outcome and what we learn from the experience that makes us who we are and a part of our story.
During my 33 years on this planet, I have had many ups and downs, twists and turns, successes and fails, so my story probably isn't anything to write a book about, but through these years I've lived. I'm learning about myself every year and 2014 won't be any different. It's the little successes like sewing bloomers from a pattern and concurring my fear of them. (The pattern, not the bloomers. Hehe!) I'm learning to be more patient with life and slow down to enjoy what is happening now rather than what can happen in the future.
So, dear readers, I get serious now and then, but I will always truly be a goof and a cheeseball (mmmmm, cheeseball) and will continue to do so into 2014. I wish you all the health and happiness!
PS-I am starting a new year (and year three of blogging) with a few tweaks to the layout of the blog. I dig it and I hope you do as well!
Thank you for reading! You are awesome!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla