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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Kitsch Picks : I Dream of Tiki

Kitsch Picks : I Dream of Tiki

I promised myself that I'm going to try and not complain about the weather, so my 'I Dream of Tiki' is a comment on where I would like to be right now....some place warm with a Tiki drink my hand.

Aloooooha from the polar vortex!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Here's something that might help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j9gGfQh8nQ


  2. Aaah, for warm weather and long summer days...

    Wonderful selection!

  3. I would invite you over to Australia, but today we had a drastic mid summer storm!

  4. I went to college in the mountains, and I am originally from Southern California. When winter really got me down, I would crank up the heat in my dorm room, turn on all the lights without the lampshades, play Jimmy Buffett music, and wear Hawaiian shirts. When asked why, I would answer "I'm on vacation." I feel like we, as a continent, should do this right about now. Except I'm in Southern California, so I should shut up and be grateful!

  5. I absolutely love that dress. it's so pretty!

    x Dawn

  6. We have a very dull winter here in sweden. No white snow lighting up the dark evenings. I think TanteFledermaus idea is genious! :)


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