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Monday, January 6, 2014

All Bundled Up

Take one long sleeve t-shirt, a long sleeve button-up collared shirt, red skull dress, black leggings, two pairs of socks, and a moto style jacket, that is what made up Friday's outfit. Bundled up was an understatement, keeping warm was the name of the game.

dress flip!

It's always a delicate balance of layering to stay warm and layering to not feel/look like a stuffed sausage. "I can't put my arms down!". 

I've been trying to wear every single sweater, jacket or long sleeve whatever in my closet and I'm running out of clothes, so I have an online order for sweaters on the way. The ironic part is that we're supposed to be getting another snow storm, so who knows when they're actually going to arrive. Hahahaha! Oh man.

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Amazing outfit! Very lovely!

    x Dawn

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, gift from a friend who silk screens :)

  3. wow your hair is getting long! In other news, I absolutely love your etsy listing http://www.etsy.com/listing/151302915/on-sale-upcycled-diy-trashobilly-pink?ref=shop_home_active. I love the flamingos and the fringe. It reminds me of this bar in NYC called Trailer Park (which you would LOVE if you haven't been already). that's a teeny XS though!

    1. Why thank you!
      I LOVE Trailer Park, Bob's Mind Eraser=two thumbs up. Mmmmm!
      My hair is out of control, lol! ;)

  4. I know what you mean about wearing so many layers you can't put your arms down! Still, I am jealous, I have been sweltering over here!

    1. I'll mail you some snow.....though we go rain and now it's almost gone. :P

  5. What a great outfit! I also love it how your dress matches your hair.

  6. I love shape of the jacket with the skirt! I usually wear long coats, I have forgotten how cute shorter coats look!

    1. I have to admit I love coats of all shapes and sizes! ;)

  7. A little late to the party here but I love that shade of red on you! It looks fantastic!


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