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Friday, August 1, 2014

Onyx Crystal and a Haircut

Simple outfit for this particularly cool summer we've been having. Drapey lightweight sweater over a lace skater dress with my cross leggings and creepers. I'm also sporting a new haircut.

In a panic last week I contacted my hairstylist Lauren and asked her if she had any appointments available, I basically needed her to tell me to NOT shave my hair. Hahahaha! Not that shaving my own hair is foreign to me, it's just that I needed to be told not to be impulsive. I did have her cut a lot of my hair off including the side that had grown out, so it's been a little of a struggle getting used to styling the shorter cut. Poor Lauren, she's a trooper dealing with my crazy hair obsessed self and she does an awesome job! Another plus about getting the cut is that the rest of the damaged hair (from when I bleached from black to red) is now all gone and I have nice healthy hair once again. What will I do next? Who knows!

I've been also enjoying this onyx crystal point necklace, because I love onyx and it helps to absorb other's negativity and assists in releasing your own negative emotions. Whether you believe in the healing power of stones, it's just a beautifully simple piece to wear. 

I'm looking forward to the weekend, yet I can't believe it's August already!

Thank you for reading.
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Kudos on your new hair. It's very cute.
    Oh that lovely crystal stands out nicely!
    I wish my summer was nice enough to wear layers or at least to go out side with out melting XD

    Happy August! ♥

    1. Come visit! Hehhee ;) It's been a hard cruel winter followed by a very odd, rainy and cool summer. Mother Nature, please make up your mind!

  2. I really like this look on you! The cardigan is very nice, drapey is always good ;) I think I need to invest in an onyx crystal like this, I am always affected by other's negative emotions, I just can't be around it it brings me down!

    1. Thank you! This is a pretty standard look for me, hehehe :)
      I am exactly the same why, I am very sensitive to sensing people's emotions and their negativity drains me.

  3. I'm right on the verge of shaving my head, too. It's just too warm.

  4. Great haircut!! I am ALWAYS thinking about cutting my hair. I really like that onyx crystal a lot. Where did u get it?

    1. Thank you :) I got it from www.etsy.com/shop/QueenofJackals I don't see my necklace, but she has other lovely things :)

  5. That hear cut looks great! The color too is really showing its best with classy all black outfit and simple necklace. ^^

    1. Thank you :) I like simple, I like simple mixed with bold prints as my hair already makes a statement. LOL!

  6. The onyx crystal is beautiful and its properties sound very useful!

    I really like the pointy ends of the bottom of the sweater!

  7. Very nice outfit :). I am looking for ideas to wear my leggins and it is a great one (I am not very "leggins friendly" but I am trying to expand my outfit ideas :D ). I am also looking for an onyx pendant (I have one in quarz and other one in amatist).



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