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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Retro Gingham

+Apple Pie dress by Trashy Diva: Cats Like Us +belt: Forever 21
+earrings: 80s vintage +bangles: Sourpuss Clothing

I've mentioned a few times that I work at the retro clothing store, Cats Like Us, so a lot of my work outfits are retro-inspired due to the nature of my job. The term retro (or vintage *see note below) is generally attached to the 40s, 50s, and 60s style of dress, yet the 70s, 80s (and even part the 90s) are also retro. My particular favorite eras of dress are; Victorian, 60s, and the 80s, yet I do enjoy the 50s silhouette....especially when mixed with elements of the 80s.

So when I choose to wear a garment, I look at the aspects of style and not necessarily what fashion label and/or category it falls into. I wear vintage/retro, because it references to a time in fashion that I enjoy or its a flattering style that suits my figure OR I just find it aesthetically pleasing. 

*Now I don't want  to confuse the terms retro and vintage, but I want to clarify the terms.
Vintage: Refers to anything that is at least 20 years old, so clothing from 1994 is technically vintage. This makes me feel very, very weird.

Retro: Anything that is made to have the 'look' of vintage or is 'vintage-inspired', but is made with modern materials, techniques, etc.

For example, I work at a retro clothing store that sells new clothing with modern fabrics that is inspired by the 40s, 50s and 60s.

There are plenty more people that can weigh in more about retro and vintage, like the fabulous Miss Vix over at Vintage Vixen who is always a vision in her 70s maxi dresses, Moth Mouth who's darker retro elegance makes me swoon and Shermette who is just a doll. 

I'm by no means an expert, but I always find it fun and interesting to find out more about the different eras of dress!

Do you have a favorite era of dress?

PS-Pardon the horrid wall, we had a major ceiling leak and we have to remove our Boney Bunch collection from the walls. Ugh.

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. You look amazing in that dress! I really like how the gingham is layered on the bust. I also love those coffin tatts!

  2. Wow, your store has some cool clothes! I just roam around all the decades and wear what I want, but I will always love the late 60s/early 70s <3

  3. Awwww, thanks!! I really like your description on the two terms, I've never been able to explain it right!

    The dress looks fab on you, I LOVE Trashy Diva!


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