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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cemetery Creeps

Derek and I took a day trip to Mount Albion Cemetery in Albion, NY to take a stroll and eat a picnic lunch. We're embracing what's left of the summer and trying to get outdoors as much as possible.

Admittedly we're not "outdoorsy" people, so we didn't do too much exploring of the hilly cemetery due to lack of bug spray and we both wore dumb shoes. The general consensus was to return in the Autumn, with proper attire and spend the day.

Wearing a tacky animal print dress that was a thrift store find, I love the massive (and not needed) breast pocket.  I removed the massive shoulder pads, added a studded belt and I welcomed this dress into my closet. 

After the cemetery, Derek and I went to a few antique shops along the way to Rochester, NY, had some yummy tex-mex and made our way home. I picked up an amazing Hawaiian caftan to add to my collection and Derek found a cute glass poison bottle. Good finds! 

I love our little adventures!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. What a beautiful cemetery! I'll add this to my own list of places to visit.

    1. It is a very lovely place, very quiet and beautiful :)

  2. That is a nice cemetary. I love your dress by the way. I like the way you put together your outfits. Even before I started blogging, I would visit your blog for inspiration!

    1. That is too awesome, thank you so much for the lovely comment and thank you for reading! =D

  3. Cute dress! I, too, have had to cut short many an outing due to poor choices in the footwear department :P

    1. I didn't realize the cemetery was so hilly! Oops! We'll be going back in the Autumn ;)

  4. That cemetery is gorgeous!! Wish it were closer, I'd love to visit!!

    I'll bet that dress was from the 80s. I remember those HUGE shoulder pads they put in everything then. I have very broad shoulders for a woman, so I couldn't buy clothes with shoulder pads unless I could take them out, otherwise I looked like a fullback! If they were detachable, I always gave them to the store clerks to save for women with REALLY narrow or sloping shoulders who needed two sets. ;-)

    1. I think it's from the 80s or 90s, but taking the shoulder pads out=worlds of a difference! Football players are the only ones who should wear giant pads on their shoulders ;) Heheheehe!

  5. I adore old cemeteries, exploring them and reading gravestones are one of our favourite ways to pass the time. That one's a beautyand so are you. xxx

    1. We love to read the gravestones as well, so much history! XOXO

  6. Beautiful place! And I love your dress, it has got such a 80s-retro-look, wow!

  7. I love old cemeteries, and this looks like a perfect one. Old, fancy stones, dappled shade and big trees! I love it!


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