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Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Last Beat of My Heart : The B-52's

I don't think it would be any surprise to you (my dear readers) to share that I love the fabulously whacky, tacky and kitschy band, The B-52's!

Probably best known for their 80s hit "Love Shack", the band has been around since 1976. Did you know that RuPaul is in the video?

I love this song!

I just want to get up and dance!!!!

Thank you for reading!
XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. I love the B-52's my fave song by them has to be Rock Lobster!!


  2. B-52s is one of my favourites, too. It makes me instantly happy! I didn't know about RuPaul being in that video. :D

  3. I used to have one of their casette tapes when I was like 6 years old.

  4. YAY! Love them! All it took was one look at the bee-hives and I was enthralled as a child! : )


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