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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Coffin Kitsch's Guide To Bandana's And How To Forget Things

Coffin Kitsch's guide to bandana's and how to forget things.......
Miss Natalie of Gothy Two Shoes inquired about my bandana looks I've been wearing in my 'casual look' blogs. Once again another video from Dippity Durrrr Meagan Production.

The Rosie Scarf (which I forgot the name, durrrrr!) by Dungaree Dolly can be found on her website, check it out!

Thanks for reading AND watching!

XOXO-Meagan Kyla


  1. Oh god thanks for posting this, I've trying to do the "Rosie the riveter" one all morning because my hair looks awful. Now nobody will know <3

  2. Thank you for posting this- Now I know what I'm gona do to hide my bad hair day!

    1. This does the trick and no one needs to know! ;)

  3. I'm going to try this. Great video, you make it look easy.

  4. Awesome video, super helpful! You're so cute ^-^


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